Duhh, im forgot again, lol. i eat many semutt hahah xD Today, i had check buku kawalan. first, i will take buku kawalan 2****** ! haha, they all know i will take it so they don't bother mine! haha,i check *beep dicipline record, duhh. and i saw one "kesalahan" .
Date : i forgot =="
Time : forgot too =="
Kesalahan : Bising semasa peperiksaan dijalankan .
Awww, what? he only make a noise and the teacher put his name at buku kawalan? WHAT THE HELL?
okay, just forget it. i don't have right to scold the teacher xD haha, nahh. i found *beep's mother name. aawww, i translate it to english. the first word of his mother's name is princess. haha, translate it to bahasa malaysia and u will know that im talking bout you know (:

ze followers
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Second story : i met zuhairi and talk with him bout Teacher Shafa ! very embarassed lerr ~~ Then , there were aniq and danial . i talk to aniq bout "someone" then aniq still don't want tell me bout him . he still say " rahsia kawan" so , can't tell me =( suddenly , i cry infront aniq, danial and zuhairi . what ?!! i feel so stupid when think bout it back ! i don't know why im crying, but my "airmata" suddenly drop, tak bole tahan :( i don't know why they can't feel like me, im suffer :(
First story : We have Kelab for coccuriculum today, im is in art, sucks ! I suppose to bring kite, but i forgot, wth ? kecik-kecik dah jadi pelupa, haha. && plus i forgot to bring coccuriculum card, gggrrrr. Then, teacher Shafarina want to give amera card to her,
Teacher Shafarina : ohh, awak yang nama amera ? yg saya dengar awak kapel dgn hazman kann ?
Amera : haa ? saya kapel dgn hazman ? tak lahh ! Dia yg kapel dgn hazman (sambil tunjuk dkat wawa)
Omg , i want to cover my face with my scarf ! Duhh ..
Teacher Shafa : Nama awak spe ? (smbil tunjuk dkat wawa)
Wawa : Salwa ,
Teacher Shafa : Ohh, awak yg kapel dgn hazman ?
Wawa : Eh, tak lahh cikgu ! mana ada saya kapel dgn hazman !
Teacher Shafa : Awak tak pyh tipu lahh , saya dah tahu . saya dgr cerita, awak dating dgn dia ?
Wawa : mana ada ! tak dating punn
Teacher Shafa : Best sgt ke kapel kapel nie ?
Im Silent , Lazy To answer haha
Teacher shafa : awak kapel dgn hazman , best kee kapel dgn dia ?
Wawa : tak pun (im pretend that i hate hazman but i don't mean it) ahahha
Btw , i don't know where teacher got story bout me and hazman ==
Teacher Shafarina : ohh, awak yang nama amera ? yg saya dengar awak kapel dgn hazman kann ?
Amera : haa ? saya kapel dgn hazman ? tak lahh ! Dia yg kapel dgn hazman (sambil tunjuk dkat wawa)
Omg , i want to cover my face with my scarf ! Duhh ..
Teacher Shafa : Nama awak spe ? (smbil tunjuk dkat wawa)
Wawa : Salwa ,
Teacher Shafa : Ohh, awak yg kapel dgn hazman ?
Wawa : Eh, tak lahh cikgu ! mana ada saya kapel dgn hazman !
Teacher Shafa : Awak tak pyh tipu lahh , saya dah tahu . saya dgr cerita, awak dating dgn dia ?
Wawa : mana ada ! tak dating punn
Teacher Shafa : Best sgt ke kapel kapel nie ?
Im Silent , Lazy To answer haha
Teacher shafa : awak kapel dgn hazman , best kee kapel dgn dia ?
Wawa : tak pun (im pretend that i hate hazman but i don't mean it) ahahha
Btw , i don't know where teacher got story bout me and hazman ==

I really love you,
Everytime , only you in my mind,
It will be fine,
If you always at my side,
You give me spirit to survive,
Its will be wonderful thing in my life,
So, i will love you until my end life,
Sparkle and bright, light star rise the light :(
1. Iloveyou
2. Imissyou
3. Ineedyou
4. Iwantyou
P/s : You know that im talking bout you know , please trust me sygg, i do really miss you :(
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We have Bm lesson at 4.00 P.M , we learn "sajak" . Im volunteer to read "sajak" in front of my class . when , i read sajak , the first person laugh at me is danish ! wth ? then , adeeq , amera and amai .
Wawa : cikgu , saya tak boleh baca lahh . dorg gelak =(
Cikgu : awak baca lahh , spe yg gelak nanti saya suruh dorg baca plak
Amera : Wa , semangat gila kau baca xD
Adeeq : Wa , cukup lahh tuu
Wawa : biar lahh , aku nak baca
Then , tengah kusyuk baca nie , muka series lahh (sgt) ahha . then , wawa tersalah baca , wth ? satu kelas gelak ! hahahhahaha
Kian kita lupa,
pada azab dan seksa di sana,
Wawa : cikgu , saya tak boleh baca lahh . dorg gelak =(
Cikgu : awak baca lahh , spe yg gelak nanti saya suruh dorg baca plak
Amera : Wa , semangat gila kau baca xD
Adeeq : Wa , cukup lahh tuu
Wawa : biar lahh , aku nak baca
Then , tengah kusyuk baca nie , muka series lahh (sgt) ahha . then , wawa tersalah baca , wth ? satu kelas gelak ! hahahhahaha
Kian kita lupa,
pada azab dan seksa di sana,
bila tuhan melimpahkan harta.
Pembetulan : HARTA ditukarkan kepada KURNIA
Okay , yg tuu jea wawa salah , tapi satu kelas gelak mcm nak runtuh sekolah , hello , im pro psl read sajak ni lahh , pernah wakil sekolah tau haha ==
Monday, April 26, 2010
Im Totally Dead +.+
First Story : Okay , lets begin the story . U know what , penguin's boyfriend face to face with me and talk bout her girlfriend . damn , i don't know what to answer , i want to shut my mouth but my mouth still telling the truth ==" i tell penguin's boyfriend that "her girlfriend" have scandal with his best friend . then penguin's boyfriend look angry and im begging to him to not tell other that i story him bout his girlfriend scandal . Duhh , why im so stupid tell him ? now , im totally dead +.+
Second story : Okay , then i remember that our class "1arif" still not decorate ! Our class teacher already give warning , if we still not decorate class . he will "koyakkan" board . what ?!! aawwww , my money =( haha . we have relief for geografi . thank god ! i ask cikgu fadizan to let me go class and decorate our class with rabiatul , farah and amirah S . But , teacher still not let me go upstairs . whoaa ! im feel like my sky is falling down ~~ haha . Then , i ask other teacher after cikgu fadizan , she give us only "15 minutes" to decorate class . even its only "15minutes" but im grateful . Me , Rabiatul , farah and Amirah S run like hell yeah . All "kelam kabut" to decorate class . hahah , but the result is still make me satiesfied =)
Second story : Okay , then i remember that our class "1arif" still not decorate ! Our class teacher already give warning , if we still not decorate class . he will "koyakkan" board . what ?!! aawwww , my money =( haha . we have relief for geografi . thank god ! i ask cikgu fadizan to let me go class and decorate our class with rabiatul , farah and amirah S . But , teacher still not let me go upstairs . whoaa ! im feel like my sky is falling down ~~ haha . Then , i ask other teacher after cikgu fadizan , she give us only "15 minutes" to decorate class . even its only "15minutes" but im grateful . Me , Rabiatul , farah and Amirah S run like hell yeah . All "kelam kabut" to decorate class . hahah , but the result is still make me satiesfied =)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Im bored =((
Okay , i sent tex to _______ . but he don't reply . nahh , im tired of waiting and unline . but i hope , he reply my text . okay , thts all for today haha . Aww , can't wait for school tomorrow . okay , im bored and i open amera's official blog . i read the first post in this year . and guess what ? for me , its kinda funny :D hahha
Sincerely ~ salwa COMEL hahahahha jk jk
Amera : Ouh i love this year,for me its kinda crazy when i met my best bud salwa and alai whooaaa they are crazy and gorgeous wuhoooo . First about salwa,hazman ! its all about you,you know what everyday i've to listen to ur girlfriend story and its always about you,see ! how much she love you so please dont leave her ok .....
Okay , wait . everyday u have to listen my story and its always about hazman ? is it true =.= ? am i always story bout hazman ? hahah , okay . yeah , every single minutes i can't stop thinking bout him and can't stop tell you about him and you know why (:Sincerely ~ salwa COMEL hahahahha jk jk
Thursday, April 22, 2010
haiyaa chunkit =)
Shahidah : Ng chunkit, Ryan yan ,Farah alya , amirah syazwani , Salwa n many more dont forget to come record buku kawalan tomorrow 1.00 ptg ok?
Chunkit : tht time i still sleeping..dn kacau me..^^
Wawa : hahahah , tht time i dating with hazman , dn kacau me ^^ haha
Chunkit : haha~~u date wif hazman..i go sleep..dam enjoy..^^
Wawa : yeah , hazman , lets dating ;) chunkit , lets sleeping ;) hahah
Shahidah : don sleep lah please u kan rajin come rokol so come lah help tomorrow ok chun kit ? SALWA COMEL besok hari jumaat lah tu pun nak dating- dating suruh dia pegi sembahyang
Farah alya : lolololo..i dating with.............hahahahahah
Wawa : JOON HAOW ♥ hahahahhaha
Chunkit : haha..jz nw joon haow feel like sad sad d..
Wawa : why why why ? TELL MEEE !
Farah alya : ya y? i see joon n his friends with the colourful umbrella hahahhahahahah
Chunkit : salwa..want joon a?? zzzz
Wawa : no lahh , i aredy have CHIA KEAT ♥ HAAH
Chunkit : oii..salwa..how many u hav..1 hazman..1 chia keat..
Wawa : HAHAHHAHA , i only want chia keat mehh
Chunkit : crazy la u..ltr hazman saw this post
Wawa : hahahhahaha , dun worry , hazman won't know haha
Chunkit : sure a?? ^^ hazman beside me oni..
Wawa : Dun lie me dota pro . i know hazman is at home , im texting with him right now :P
Farah alya : lolllll..hazman mabuk
Wawa : hahahahha , hazman TAK mabuk
Chunkit : hazman mabuk so he sleep at my house tonight..^^
Wawa : hey , hazman tak mabuk lahh ! -,-
Chunkit : tht time i still sleeping..dn kacau me..^^
Wawa : hahahah , tht time i dating with hazman , dn kacau me ^^ haha
Chunkit : haha~~u date wif hazman..i go sleep..dam enjoy..^^
Wawa : yeah , hazman , lets dating ;) chunkit , lets sleeping ;) hahah
Shahidah : don sleep lah please u kan rajin come rokol so come lah help tomorrow ok chun kit ? SALWA COMEL besok hari jumaat lah tu pun nak dating- dating suruh dia pegi sembahyang
Farah alya : lolololo..i dating with.............hahahahahah
Wawa : JOON HAOW ♥ hahahahhaha
Chunkit : haha..jz nw joon haow feel like sad sad d..
Wawa : why why why ? TELL MEEE !
Farah alya : ya y? i see joon n his friends with the colourful umbrella hahahhahahahah
Chunkit : salwa..want joon a?? zzzz
Wawa : no lahh , i aredy have CHIA KEAT ♥ HAAH
Chunkit : oii..salwa..how many u hav..1 hazman..1 chia keat..
Wawa : HAHAHHAHA , i only want chia keat mehh
Chunkit : crazy la u..ltr hazman saw this post
Wawa : hahahhahaha , dun worry , hazman won't know haha
Chunkit : sure a?? ^^ hazman beside me oni..
Wawa : Dun lie me dota pro . i know hazman is at home , im texting with him right now :P
Farah alya : lolllll..hazman mabuk
Wawa : hahahahha , hazman TAK mabuk
Chunkit : hazman mabuk so he sleep at my house tonight..^^
Wawa : hey , hazman tak mabuk lahh ! -,-
I hate sports -,-
duhh , tadi ada sukantara . lari 100meter and lontar peluru . rse mcm tak nak lari jee tapi nak buat mcm mana . kena jugak lari . time bersedia nak lari toh , wawa smpat ckp kt cikgu :
cikgu : okay , sedia
wawa : tak sedia lagi , cikgu
cikgu : haa , kenapa ?
wawa : jap jap , saya tarik nafas dulu
cikgu : yea lahh
hahah , and then lepas tarik nafas . kitorg terus lari . wth ? gila licin trek dia , kalau jatuh sungguh memalukan , hahha . but yeah , u know what , unexpected wawa dpt num1 and lepas masa 20 saat . aauuuuwwwwww , serious tak cye , haha .
farah : wa , num berapa ?
wawa : num 1 ;) hahahah
farah : ye kee ? wahh hebat
wawa : yeah , sebab ada sumber inspirasi kt sini :D hehe
Lpas lari , wawa and fatanah baru egt tak nak pegi lontar peluru . duduk kt dewn japp , sekali cikgu shafarina sound kitorg . duhh , menjawab haih
Cikgu shafarina : amboii , anak-anak dara kt sini . patut lahh waktu lumba lari tak jumpa . rupanyaa duduk dekat sini . dhh cepat ! pergi pdg , lenggang lenggok korg kt sini !
Derr , assalamualaikum cikgu ;) kitorg lri dahh tadi , cuma cikgu jee tak perasan -____-
cikgu : okay , sedia
wawa : tak sedia lagi , cikgu
cikgu : haa , kenapa ?
wawa : jap jap , saya tarik nafas dulu
cikgu : yea lahh
hahah , and then lepas tarik nafas . kitorg terus lari . wth ? gila licin trek dia , kalau jatuh sungguh memalukan , hahha . but yeah , u know what , unexpected wawa dpt num1 and lepas masa 20 saat . aauuuuwwwwww , serious tak cye , haha .
farah : wa , num berapa ?
wawa : num 1 ;) hahahah
farah : ye kee ? wahh hebat
wawa : yeah , sebab ada sumber inspirasi kt sini :D hehe
Lpas lari , wawa and fatanah baru egt tak nak pegi lontar peluru . duduk kt dewn japp , sekali cikgu shafarina sound kitorg . duhh , menjawab haih
Cikgu shafarina : amboii , anak-anak dara kt sini . patut lahh waktu lumba lari tak jumpa . rupanyaa duduk dekat sini . dhh cepat ! pergi pdg , lenggang lenggok korg kt sini !
Derr , assalamualaikum cikgu ;) kitorg lri dahh tadi , cuma cikgu jee tak perasan -____-
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Awwwww haha
Today , early in the morning i have Cocurriculum at school . yeah , so many "abg-abg kacak" in the morning school session . hahahha , then , i saw a guy that i call him as "pengawas comel" hahha . i stalk him from hall to canteen . when he was at the canteen , i sat on the chair and stared at him . hahahha , then he went to stair , while we on the way to go stair ( i follow him ) , theres 3 girls beside him . Duhh , kacau daun betul lahh hahha . then , i think he know that i stalked him , when he turn at back and look at me , im cover like im looking at plant . haha , then you know what ? i saw him walk like a girl ! catwalk plak tuu , haa ! muka jee comel tapi perangai hancur ! reject reject haha but serious muka nampak kacak gilaa ;) ahha
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dude , she's such a bitch -,-
I don't know whats wrong with you bitch ? can you please stop ruin my life ? annoying derr -.- yeah , i know u're beautiful than me , u're clever than me (im lying right now haha) , and yeah , im already know that u're shorter than me HAHAHA . but please , im warning . don't ever and never , disturb my life . u cross the line , u'll get a piece of me. GET IT ? and btw , aq tak batak lahh nak kawan dgn org mcm kau . tak luak pun :P
Monday, April 19, 2010
Duhh -_______-
okay , i had back pain . its hurt than you know , the story is begin .. haha
I went up at level 4 because i had to "jaga" class efisien . then , i met luqman and say something that i think u don't have to know hahha . not so private . Then , somethings happen . and i think it the worst thing i ever had , suddenly shaheed push azri and then azri push luqman . and unexpected luqman push me . 3boys push me -________-
Ahh , tak yah speaking kt sini . wawa cerita version malay pulak . hahha
Then , dah tiga org tolak . apa lagi , wawa terus tertolak kt dinding koridor . and terhentak bdn + kepala = ouch ! sakit gilaa ! suma org kerumun , tgn wawa tak boleh gerak and badan mcm robot kejapp && wawa terus nangis . serious , menyesal nangis , hahah . semua kelam kabut . luqman dah lari masuk kelas dulu . perghh , tak bertanggungjawab langsung !
Aiman ariff : Salwa , kau okay tak ? sakit ke ?
Wawa : (crying) sakit gilaa
Aiman ariff : dah dah , tarik nafas , lepas . tarik , lepas
Azri : lawak gila kau jatuh , HAHAHAHAHAH
wawa : while im crying , tiba tiba wawa gelak . hahahah ,
Aiman ariff : kau ni nangis ke gelak ? mana satu ni ? haha
Wawa : ntah , hahhahaha
Then , farah papah wawa sampai kelas . serious , rasa tak bole jalan . tgn pon rse kejang . and then time solat , ramai org soal siasat , serious malu . tak tahu nak cover muka kt mana , ahhah
I went up at level 4 because i had to "jaga" class efisien . then , i met luqman and say something that i think u don't have to know hahha . not so private . Then , somethings happen . and i think it the worst thing i ever had , suddenly shaheed push azri and then azri push luqman . and unexpected luqman push me . 3boys push me -________-
Ahh , tak yah speaking kt sini . wawa cerita version malay pulak . hahha
Then , dah tiga org tolak . apa lagi , wawa terus tertolak kt dinding koridor . and terhentak bdn + kepala = ouch ! sakit gilaa ! suma org kerumun , tgn wawa tak boleh gerak and badan mcm robot kejapp && wawa terus nangis . serious , menyesal nangis , hahah . semua kelam kabut . luqman dah lari masuk kelas dulu . perghh , tak bertanggungjawab langsung !
Aiman ariff : Salwa , kau okay tak ? sakit ke ?
Wawa : (crying) sakit gilaa
Aiman ariff : dah dah , tarik nafas , lepas . tarik , lepas
Azri : lawak gila kau jatuh , HAHAHAHAHAH
wawa : while im crying , tiba tiba wawa gelak . hahahah ,
Aiman ariff : kau ni nangis ke gelak ? mana satu ni ? haha
Wawa : ntah , hahhahaha
Then , farah papah wawa sampai kelas . serious , rasa tak bole jalan . tgn pon rse kejang . and then time solat , ramai org soal siasat , serious malu . tak tahu nak cover muka kt mana , ahhah
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wedding =)
Yesterday , i goes to my father's friend wedding . All my father's family go to that wedding . i said to my sister :
Wawa : anak2 dato' , here i come hahaha
My sis : berangan jee lebih , hahah
Then , i met my cousin , syaza and faeez . while all of us snap snap , i saw someone that serious realy hot ! damn !
Syaza : ohh so hot !
Wawa : aaaaaaauuuuuuuwwwwwww , oh my god (3times)
Syaza : enough , awk dah ada hazman kan ? hahha
Wawa : sekali sekala menggatal , haha
While im pose to snap picture , the hot guy stared at me . oh my god(3times) , im just give him smile . hahhaha , yeah . his father is a photographer , nevermine . tak dapat kahwin dgn anak
Dato' , kahwin dgn ank photographer pon jadi lahh :D hahahha
Wawa : anak2 dato' , here i come hahaha
My sis : berangan jee lebih , hahah
Then , i met my cousin , syaza and faeez . while all of us snap snap , i saw someone that serious realy hot ! damn !
Syaza : ohh so hot !
Wawa : aaaaaaauuuuuuuwwwwwww , oh my god (3times)
Syaza : enough , awk dah ada hazman kan ? hahha
Wawa : sekali sekala menggatal , haha
While im pose to snap picture , the hot guy stared at me . oh my god(3times) , im just give him smile . hahhaha , yeah . his father is a photographer , nevermine . tak dapat kahwin dgn anak
Dato' , kahwin dgn ank photographer pon jadi lahh :D hahahha
*happy happy :D
when i open the facebook , why so many notifications ? nahh , they chat without me =( hahah
Luqman : tengah men game cok ooo..
Azierah : mcm dak2...
Wawa : nahh , baru tahu kea luqman mcm budak2 ? hahah
Hafizuddin : biar pun bdk.tapi salwa ttp ske!haha
Amer : betol kata anak nizam...HAHA :D
Hafizuddin : blah la ko ank jalaludin. hari2 aku tgk ko cube ngorat salwa ! haha , sabar ye luqman.... hehe
Azzad : fuyoo...... salwa skrng dh mcm artist...rmai orng nk...
Amirah S : haah..famous la katekan
Luqman : sabar2
Azzad : klau aku thu dh lame aku tackle die....haha (gurau je)
Luqman : ceh azad, ade hati tue, tu la sape suruh lambat, kan dah tak dapat
Azzad : lah lmbt 5 min je...
*hahhaha , btw act byk lagi , tapi mls lahh nak copy paste :D nak tahu tgok sndiri kt facebook , hahha
Luqman : tengah men game cok ooo..
Azierah : mcm dak2...
Wawa : nahh , baru tahu kea luqman mcm budak2 ? hahah
Hafizuddin : biar pun bdk.tapi salwa ttp ske!haha
Amer : betol kata anak nizam...HAHA :D
Hafizuddin : blah la ko ank jalaludin. hari2 aku tgk ko cube ngorat salwa ! haha , sabar ye luqman.... hehe
Azzad : fuyoo...... salwa skrng dh mcm artist...rmai orng nk...
Amirah S : haah..famous la katekan
Luqman : sabar2
Azzad : klau aku thu dh lame aku tackle die....haha (gurau je)
Luqman : ceh azad, ade hati tue, tu la sape suruh lambat, kan dah tak dapat
Azzad : lah lmbt 5 min je...
*hahhaha , btw act byk lagi , tapi mls lahh nak copy paste :D nak tahu tgok sndiri kt facebook , hahha
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Zabidi's son =P
haha , i've got a notifications from Danish . there is social interview , the question for me is :
Q : What is Salwa Azman's most annoying habit?
A : She'll says "OH MY GOD" three times every time she saw Hazman but sometime its kind of funny
when i read the answer , it makes my stomach burst . hahahah yeah . danish know more bout me than other guys because he always care bout me and mera ;)
and yeah , another social interview for me , its come from mera :
Q : What was the last thing you said to Salwa Azman?
A : Lupa lah , tapi yang aku ingt psl HAZMAN MABUK tu lah
WTH ? hahahah , Hazman mabuk ? okay , the nickname is give by ustazah Rohayah =.="
Q : What is Salwa Azman's most annoying habit?
A : She'll says "OH MY GOD" three times every time she saw Hazman but sometime its kind of funny
when i read the answer , it makes my stomach burst . hahahah yeah . danish know more bout me than other guys because he always care bout me and mera ;)
and yeah , another social interview for me , its come from mera :
Q : What was the last thing you said to Salwa Azman?
A : Lupa lah , tapi yang aku ingt psl HAZMAN MABUK tu lah
WTH ? hahahah , Hazman mabuk ? okay , the nickname is give by ustazah Rohayah =.="
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Conversation on facebook :D
Cikgu Fadizan : my BM lesson 1A just now was soo funny.....when syair turning to Rap....can u imagine tat...lol...sian bebudak nie...
Wawa : hahhahah , danish anak zabidi :P
Cikgu Fadizan : ishhh jgn ckp cam tue marah dia...huhuhu..salwa dah siap ker home work...hehehe
Danish : salwa , nape,tak pecaye ke aku boleh RAP?
Wawa : hahhahahahah , percaye , anak zabidi lahh katakan :P hahhahaha
Wawa : cikgu : urmmm , hahaha . tak yah cakap lahh , salwa kn gengster kg kedondong , tak maen lahh buat homework nie ,hehe
Danish : SALWA GENGSTER?kate comel,comel pon nk jdi gengster ke?
Cikgu Fadizan : tah nanti chia keat tak nak..camner...(n_n)
Wawa : hahahahhahah , tak semestinye org comel tak bole jadi gengster , hehhehe . ohh no , DEMI CHIA KEAT . salwa tak jadi gengster ;) hahahhaha
Amirul : x sdar dri la tu mngaku die comel hahahahah
Wawa : HELLO , ITS A FACT THAT IM CUTE :D hahahahhahaha
Cikgu Fadizan : u rait salwa..ciku backup ok...
Wawa : hahhahhahah , thank you , kembang hidung saya cikgu puji , hehhehe
Danish : demi chia keat je ke?camne dengan sorang lagi?
Wawa : sorang lagi ? sape ?
Danish : alaa yang "OH MY GOD" tu laa
Wawa : ohh , yg "OUH MY GOD" ? HAHHAHAHA , love him ♥
*ouh my god is nickname for someone <3
Wawa : hahhahah , danish anak zabidi :P
Cikgu Fadizan : ishhh jgn ckp cam tue marah dia...huhuhu..salwa dah siap ker home work...hehehe
Danish : salwa , nape,tak pecaye ke aku boleh RAP?
Wawa : hahhahahahah , percaye , anak zabidi lahh katakan :P hahhahaha
Wawa : cikgu : urmmm , hahaha . tak yah cakap lahh , salwa kn gengster kg kedondong , tak maen lahh buat homework nie ,hehe
Danish : SALWA GENGSTER?kate comel,comel pon nk jdi gengster ke?
Cikgu Fadizan : tah nanti chia keat tak nak..camner...(n_n)
Wawa : hahahahhahah , tak semestinye org comel tak bole jadi gengster , hehhehe . ohh no , DEMI CHIA KEAT . salwa tak jadi gengster ;) hahahhaha
Amirul : x sdar dri la tu mngaku die comel hahahahah
Wawa : HELLO , ITS A FACT THAT IM CUTE :D hahahahhahaha
Cikgu Fadizan : u rait salwa..ciku backup ok...
Wawa : hahhahhahah , thank you , kembang hidung saya cikgu puji , hehhehe
Danish : demi chia keat je ke?camne dengan sorang lagi?
Wawa : sorang lagi ? sape ?
Danish : alaa yang "OH MY GOD" tu laa
Wawa : ohh , yg "OUH MY GOD" ? HAHHAHAHA , love him ♥
*ouh my god is nickname for someone <3
Saturday, April 10, 2010
sport day :D
Sport day at stadium titiwangsa :) i walk in the stadium and seat beside my sister . 10minutes later , i saw someone that i think i know him . i stared at him and ....... omg ! aniq ! okay , im shocked . but pretend to be okay :D hahah , afta that , i saw cikgu abul , ohh damn , i miss you teacher xD and last one , vinothiny ! haa ? wth she's doing here ? bhahahhaha . ohh ya , i forgot to tell you . i met erdreena too . we greet each other , hey . im not arrogant like what you think :D
My brother took a part in obstacles race and got 3rd place , ohh very poor =.=" haha , and yeah . lucky draw , my num is 0384 :) the prize is water colour , crayon and pencil box , shit .. im not kid anymore but teenager . Haih , afta the sport day end . me and my sister snap snap and snap :) excited mehh , hahha
My brother took a part in obstacles race and got 3rd place , ohh very poor =.=" haha , and yeah . lucky draw , my num is 0384 :) the prize is water colour , crayon and pencil box , shit .. im not kid anymore but teenager . Haih , afta the sport day end . me and my sister snap snap and snap :) excited mehh , hahha
omg , haha
Kt skola tady ada game like futsal , basketball , netball and other . wawa terserempak dgn hafizuddin . and he say like this to me :
hafizuddin : hye luqman
wawa : haa ? luqman ? wth ?! =.="!! asal tbe2 luqman ?
hafizuddin : saje ,
and one more story , time wawa break ngan hazman . wawa ckp kt sherryn :
wawa : ahhh , im single , bored :(
sherryyn : haha , luqman masih ada mehh !
wawa : haa ? luqman ? mcm mana kamu tahu psl luqman ?
sherryyn : bwh meja saya , ada tulis mcm ni
wawa yg ku sayangi
~ luqman
wawa pegi kt kelas sherryyn , ya . mmg ada benda toh . shit , ayat dia gila jiwang -_________- bhahhahahahah , sape lahh yg tulis benda toh ? bengong gila , hahahhaha
hafizuddin : hye luqman
wawa : haa ? luqman ? wth ?! =.="!! asal tbe2 luqman ?
hafizuddin : saje ,
and one more story , time wawa break ngan hazman . wawa ckp kt sherryn :
wawa : ahhh , im single , bored :(
sherryyn : haha , luqman masih ada mehh !
wawa : haa ? luqman ? mcm mana kamu tahu psl luqman ?
sherryyn : bwh meja saya , ada tulis mcm ni
wawa yg ku sayangi
~ luqman
wawa pegi kt kelas sherryyn , ya . mmg ada benda toh . shit , ayat dia gila jiwang -_________- bhahhahahahah , sape lahh yg tulis benda toh ? bengong gila , hahahhaha
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
sad , sad , sad :(
aaaaaaawwwwwwwww , i have to wear kadet polis uniform . but i only wear t-shirt . the shoes , sucks ! buat sakit kaki wawa jea , melecet dua jari , adeh , wawa kt skola kaki ayam jea . hahahhahah , kasut pegang kt tangan , mls nk pakai buat sakit kaki jee , buat apa . hmm , time toh wawa nak pegi solat with farah and amirah s , smbil turun tngge , wawa ckp2 ngan farah . wawa tgok ada pengawas "lepak" kt situ . bwat dek jea lahh , tpy , bile tgok blek . OMG , hazman !!!! wawa dah tak tahu nak ckp apa , hazman pon terpandang kt wawa . apa lagi , wawa trus naek ats blek , ahhhh . rse mcm nak nanges jea
farah : salwa , stop it ! just forget bout him , ahh , menyesal lalu tangge situ
amirah s : adoii , jgn lahh nanges
wawa : okay okay , relaks relaks . tarik nafas, huh !
blek dari surau , chiu wen duduk sebelah wawa . wawa trus peluk dia
chiu wen : salwa , kenapa awk nanges ?
salwa : saya jumpe hazman tadi
chiu wen : hemm , jadi ?
salwa : saya rindu dia ,
chiu wen : haa ? kamu kata tadi kamu sudah benci dia ? kenapa rindu lagi ?
salwa : saya saja cakap mcmtoh utk lupa kan dia
chiu wen : okay , jangan nanges . chia keat masih ada mehh ,
salwa : oh yeah , chia keat is mine forever <3 hahahahahha
farah : salwa , stop it ! just forget bout him , ahh , menyesal lalu tangge situ
amirah s : adoii , jgn lahh nanges
wawa : okay okay , relaks relaks . tarik nafas, huh !
blek dari surau , chiu wen duduk sebelah wawa . wawa trus peluk dia
chiu wen : salwa , kenapa awk nanges ?
salwa : saya jumpe hazman tadi
chiu wen : hemm , jadi ?
salwa : saya rindu dia ,
chiu wen : haa ? kamu kata tadi kamu sudah benci dia ? kenapa rindu lagi ?
salwa : saya saja cakap mcmtoh utk lupa kan dia
chiu wen : okay , jangan nanges . chia keat masih ada mehh ,
salwa : oh yeah , chia keat is mine forever <3 hahahahahha
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My house "banjir" with my tears :(
Errrggghhhh , 5/4/2010 , i hate that date ! im officially break with hazman . from 12.00 a.m until 1.00 a.m , i cry alone in my bedroom . i turn on the light , and go infront mirror , omg . my eyebag , [lebam] . i try to be brave but .. ya , hard okay ? now , i be so sensitive , ohh people can change even a minute . Life must go on , huh . i tell hishiko bout me and hazman
hishiko : whoa ! serious ? i don't believe lahh
wawa : im not kidding okay , its a fact
hishiko : okay , im shock
wawa : hmm
okay , now . im single but please "not available" -_____________-
sincerely ~ wawa :)
hishiko : whoa ! serious ? i don't believe lahh
wawa : im not kidding okay , its a fact
hishiko : okay , im shock
wawa : hmm
okay , now . im single but please "not available" -_____________-
sincerely ~ wawa :)
Friday, April 2, 2010
love mandarin xD
aaaaaawwwwww , i had learn some mandarin word
I love you more than others = Wo ai ni duo guo qi ta dong xi
I love you for ever = Wo ai ni yi sheng yi shi
I need you always in my life = Wo xu yao ni zai wo de sheng huo zhong
He Love you = Ta ai ni
My Name is Salwa Comel = Wo de ming zi shi salwa ke ai ba
I hate your attitude = Wo tao yan ni de xing ge
Im happy with you = Wo gen ni hen gao xing
Can you please understand me ? = Ni ke yi ming bai wo ma
You're so cute = Ni ke ai
Thats all for today :D ahahaha , btw . thanks sherryn and michelle because teach me :) haha
I love you more than others = Wo ai ni duo guo qi ta dong xi
I love you for ever = Wo ai ni yi sheng yi shi
I need you always in my life = Wo xu yao ni zai wo de sheng huo zhong
He Love you = Ta ai ni
My Name is Salwa Comel = Wo de ming zi shi salwa ke ai ba
I hate your attitude = Wo tao yan ni de xing ge
Im happy with you = Wo gen ni hen gao xing
Can you please understand me ? = Ni ke yi ming bai wo ma
You're so cute = Ni ke ai
Thats all for today :D ahahaha , btw . thanks sherryn and michelle because teach me :) haha
Happy Alai Day :) haha
Today , wawa and mera came earlier than usual . 11.30 , ohh god . serious awal , hahahha . kitorg dtg awal just sje2 nak usha "abg-abg kacak" . aaaaaaawwwwwwww , hahahaha . actually , kitorg dtg awal sbb nak celebrate alai's day . it created by Dhana and Makrukh . just for fun :D haha .
then , kitorg separate . wawa , makrukh , mera and atikah izzati pegi pondok nak prepare . Dhana and Taantier pegi bwak alai ronda-ronda sekolah dulu . and then dorg patah blek . dhana tutup mata alai . perlahan-lahan dhana bwk alai pegi pondok , then . dhana bkk mata alai . kitorg trus ckp "HAPPY ALAI DAY" hahahaahahah . afta kitorg abes mkn kek , wawa bru teringat nk bls dendam kt amer psl cream yg dia ltak kt tudung wawa . apa lagi , wawa amek cream sket and pegy jumpe amer . amer and the geng ada kt tangga sebelah kantin , dorg ngah bwat parkour ( hope the spelling is correct ) haha . tbe2 , hazman pon ada lt situ . ingat nak patah blek , tapi tak jadi lahh . misi harus diteruskan ! haha . wawa trus pegi kt amer and ltak cream kt pipi dye . lepastoh trus lari . whoaaa ! best kott , sume org tgok . hahahahaha , btw . puas ati sbb dpt bls dendam kt amer , yeah :D
then , kitorg separate . wawa , makrukh , mera and atikah izzati pegi pondok nak prepare . Dhana and Taantier pegi bwak alai ronda-ronda sekolah dulu . and then dorg patah blek . dhana tutup mata alai . perlahan-lahan dhana bwk alai pegi pondok , then . dhana bkk mata alai . kitorg trus ckp "HAPPY ALAI DAY" hahahaahahah . afta kitorg abes mkn kek , wawa bru teringat nk bls dendam kt amer psl cream yg dia ltak kt tudung wawa . apa lagi , wawa amek cream sket and pegy jumpe amer . amer and the geng ada kt tangga sebelah kantin , dorg ngah bwat parkour ( hope the spelling is correct ) haha . tbe2 , hazman pon ada lt situ . ingat nak patah blek , tapi tak jadi lahh . misi harus diteruskan ! haha . wawa trus pegi kt amer and ltak cream kt pipi dye . lepastoh trus lari . whoaaa ! best kott , sume org tgok . hahahahaha , btw . puas ati sbb dpt bls dendam kt amer , yeah :D
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