Ahh end of 2010, so much memories that i won't forget, and yeahh i've made new friends in secondary school, 1Arif is the best class i ever had, learned mandarin with chinese students, for your information they're so lenglui and lengzai Haha. Amera, Farah, Amira is the best boobies. Okay flashback, maybe it'll be bored for you guys, so read it or just leave it kayh ;) Remember the sweet moments that im prefect and syahidah said the "gigolo" thingy at prefects meeting. Cooleo right even its feel like annoying dengan syahidah. Ops sorrayh haha how about mabuk ? Cool nickname for hazman that given by ustazah rohaya HAHA and you know what for the first time date date segala ni, terasa bangga gila, hey saya baik sebelum ni just this year yang gatal miang sikit ok -.- haha And yeah this year so many tears drop from my eyes. It's all because of friendship and love.
Farah pindah penjara ? Okay its asrama. Haha. It's the worst thing happen to me this year. Wait not only that, if break mesti nangis. Sampai menjerit satu kantin time rehat. Ya allah sumpah segan bila ingat balik HAHAHA. Oh ya, another sweet moments with zara. For the first time strike bowling, tak bangga gitu ? Even kalah dgn aiman and icy, nevermind im still the best lah :P haha. Pingu, burung dodo, remember ? Worst enemy ever ! HAHA. Ahhh my first kiss went a little like this, and twist, and twist <3 LMAO only my besties know the meaning :) Celebrate eid's with him. It's the best moments eh - eh - ehveeeeeer. Yeahh, i miss him. But nothing will change.
Kayh stop talking about him. Oh ya 2010 is already over. Can’t believe it, it has went in so quickly. It’s been an amazing year. The people I’ve met this year are some of the best people I know. Cheesy as it sounds, I can’t imagine my life without them now. I’ve had the greatest times this year. Obviously, there were bad times. So many boys, I can’t believe how much I’ve cried over them. So thanks to those who hated me, you made me a stronger person. Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger. Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me the meaning of true friends. And thanks to those who entered my life, you made me who i am today. Im hoping that 2011 will be better and more awh - some than 2010, yeahh maaaan ! :D

ze followers
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Miracle please -,-
Yo whatsup guys ? Im doing nothing , okay tipu , tengah updating blog lah sayang oi ;) Kan dah kena free sayang , suka tak suka tak ? ke nak lagi ? ;D hahaha AMAIGAD this 3days , my dreams sumpah merepek kerepek melalut tak tentu pasal , EEEE tak suka haha . Okay day 1 , i dreamed about faeez , my cousin , HEYYY dlm mimpi tu wawa coup dgn dia ? AHHHH mcm mana boleh jadi ni ? Salwa stop it , jgn kibut sgt , mimpi je tu -,- haha , day 2 , NI LAGI TAK TAHAN , im engaged with my cousin amir fareeed , look , ENGAGED dude , its E-N-G-A-G-E-D , serious rasa nk termuntah muntah ni x( AMIRRRR FAREED , kau jgn dekat dgn aku lagi , aku taknak kahwin dgn kau HAHA .
Day 3 , kak syameen and syanaz , jgn terkejut ye , wawa mimpi coup dgn abang sya .. sya .. syaaabiiiiillll T_T I dont know how but seriously macam mana abg syabil boleh masuk dlm mimpi saya yang tak berapa indah sangat tu ? Yang paling teruk , siap ber"pegangan" tangan , okay eww haha . I wonder why , dlm tiga hari berturut turut i dreamt about 3guys in 3dayss , so thanks to my love one , nur amirah syazwani , ok aku siap bold lagi nama kau , bangga tak ? free free dapat tayang nama dkt sini hahaha :D She gave me a website that have explanation about dreams , but not so appropriate , so don't trust with all you sacred heart -,-
Explanation dream of falling in love or have feelings of love . That is , will come happiness and satisfaction
HEYY i know its not so appropriate but from now on , im waiting for the happiness and satisfaction like what the explanation said . Okay , god i need someone that can take care of me , eventhough i still can't forget him but seriously i need someone , hey im lonely, be mine please :/
Day 3 , kak syameen and syanaz , jgn terkejut ye , wawa mimpi coup dgn abang sya .. sya .. syaaabiiiiillll T_T I dont know how but seriously macam mana abg syabil boleh masuk dlm mimpi saya yang tak berapa indah sangat tu ? Yang paling teruk , siap ber"pegangan" tangan , okay eww haha . I wonder why , dlm tiga hari berturut turut i dreamt about 3guys in 3dayss , so thanks to my love one , nur amirah syazwani , ok aku siap bold lagi nama kau , bangga tak ? free free dapat tayang nama dkt sini hahaha :D She gave me a website that have explanation about dreams , but not so appropriate , so don't trust with all you sacred heart -,-
Explanation dream of falling in love or have feelings of love . That is , will come happiness and satisfaction
HEYY i know its not so appropriate but from now on , im waiting for the happiness and satisfaction like what the explanation said . Okay , god i need someone that can take care of me , eventhough i still can't forget him but seriously i need someone , hey im lonely, be mine please :/
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Serious ? :/
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod , aku suka kau ? ye ke ni ? oh tidak , kenapa aku boleh suka ni ? eh mustahil , tak masuk akal langsung , tipu lah aku suka kau , tak logik , hm tapi aku mmg suka kau pun , eh boleh jadi jugak aku tak suka kau , tapi aku rasa dah "ter"suka , AHH TIDAKK , jap , aku tgah ckp psl sapa ni ? eh sapa eh ? ntah lah , lupa pulak , ramai sgt org yg aku suka ni , smpai tak terkira jari kaki and tgn aku yg comel lote ni HAHAHA
Bye Langkawi , Hye Kuala Lumpur :)
Just back from Langkawi Island :) Uhh having so much fun and experience with mera's family for 4 days , it'll be memories that i'll never forget ;D
Day 1
Sleepover at mera's house and leave to Langkawi about 7O'clock , are you serious ? Salwa anak dara yg pemalas and suka bgun lambat tiba tiba bgun pkul 6 , miracle gila HAHA . Ok , najeeb saiful azman . He's the one yg first jumpa tak rasa malu sgt cause' ntah lah , maybe sbb dia tegur slwa dulu :) oh hakim -,- Sombongnya awak , takut saya tgok tau hahaha . Then met uncle joe's family at what perhentian , bukan saya yg drive ok , mana lah saya tahu tmpat perhentian tu apa namanya haha .
Day 2
"Syarifah Syanaz and Syarifah Syameen" First meet tak peramah then dah lama whoaaa , rapat gila kot . Segala luar dan dalam kitorg cerita , oh syanaz perangai mcm laki , ganas o,O haha abg dia "Syed Syabil" Err muka mcm singa sikit , pndg org mcm lapar yg nak makan daging , sombong pulak tu *Kutuk , jahat gila haha . Naik speed boat , mmg tak rasa mcm kapal titanic pun HAHA . Then pergi telaga tujuh , oh i met justin bieber's malaysia there HE HE . His name David , amaigad <3 haha lunch , mulalah 3 laki mangkuk mangkuk ayun tu kacau kakak yg kerja dkt situ sumpah kakak tu BLUSHING GILA haha perasan do , amik order dkt kitorg buat muka mintk kaki dgn bontot , bila hakim mintk order , punyalah gedik mcm ada org dtg nk masuk meminang dia , tolonglah nyahh =,= HAHA
Day 3
Abg syabil dah peramah sikit , thank god dia baik haha budak laki masak maggi goreng , AWE-SOME gila , but skill langsung takde HAHA :D Hakim hakim , uh dah okay . Act dia pemalu , thts why mcm tak tegur , but bila hari ketiga bru kenal dia mcm mana , agak baik :) Underwaterworld , i think whole family uncle joe menhidap penyakit demam "Stingray" haha . Like ohmygod , stingray cute gila , oh i want to kiss you :* haha and ya Pergi ke tmpat bersejarah such as "Beras terbakar" and sewaktu dgnnya , pergi idaman suri , yang ni paling tak tahan , 3 mangkuk ayun tu buat hal lagi HAHA
Akim : Akak , suri ada tak dkt sini ?
Salesgirl : Ha ? [Muka blur]
Akim : Suri ada tak ni ?
Salesgirl : *Diam
Kitorg punya lah fikir apa bnda suri tu , ingatkan jenama pinggan mangkuk , rupanya "Idaman SURI" dah lah tnya dgn muka akim yg innoncent gila tu , mcm pig je hahaha . Then bila dah byk kali kenakan org , kakak salesgirl dkt situ semua tak layan dorg , padan muka korg HAHA and mlm tu jalan2 dkt pantai chenang , guess what guys ? I met david again at pantai chenang , AHHH in love again ;) haha oh ya , mera's family stopped by at one shop , wawa pun ikut ah . Mera shopping sakan dkt situ , ok im jealous -,- Look , japenesse girl yg jual those t-shirt , sumpah comel je dia berkata kata bahasa malaysia :) HAHA apa lagi , abg najeeb dgn syabil dah berebut rebut nk perempuan tu , gila japanense girl betul dorg ni haha . Malam tu , last day tidur dkt homestay so take a chance borak borak dgn syanaz and syameen , AWW byk gila benda diborakkan , syanaz ckp my attitude sama mcm dia time her age 13 , ouch kita mcm kembar lah kan :p haha
Day 4
LAST DAY LAST DAY , packing stuff and seriously my tears feel want drop , i'll miss langkawi and all the baby stingray :( *Bapak poyo HAHA . Arrived at jetty point , i met so many babies there , oh man ! Saya nak ada baby boleh ? HAHAHA gila meroyan apa -,- Dalam feri , mmg rasa mcm nk muntah katak ahh , hujan pulak tu , mau tak berombak ombak . Haha akim bajet dia model , dia ckp nk bukak baju dlm feri , ckp lebih , tapi tak bukak bukak , penat tnggu dia tak pakai baju xP haha time balik mmg tak lama lah kan journey nk balik kl =.=" HA akhirnya kena berpisah dgn family uncle joe :( Syanaz usap rmbut mcm wawa ni kecik sgt je , eeee :p haha WHATEVER IT IS , thanks uncle saiful azman , auntie azni , mera , abg najeeb , abg hakim , uncle joe , auntie lyn , kak syameen , kak syanaz , abg syabil cause' makes me happy :)
OMG im getting fat day by day , time dkt langkawi uncle joe mmg suka buat org makan lah , ouch my pipi tembam :O MAMAA , saya nk diet lahh he he
Day 1
Sleepover at mera's house and leave to Langkawi about 7O'clock , are you serious ? Salwa anak dara yg pemalas and suka bgun lambat tiba tiba bgun pkul 6 , miracle gila HAHA . Ok , najeeb saiful azman . He's the one yg first jumpa tak rasa malu sgt cause' ntah lah , maybe sbb dia tegur slwa dulu :) oh hakim -,- Sombongnya awak , takut saya tgok tau hahaha . Then met uncle joe's family at what perhentian , bukan saya yg drive ok , mana lah saya tahu tmpat perhentian tu apa namanya haha .
Day 2
"Syarifah Syanaz and Syarifah Syameen" First meet tak peramah then dah lama whoaaa , rapat gila kot . Segala luar dan dalam kitorg cerita , oh syanaz perangai mcm laki , ganas o,O haha abg dia "Syed Syabil" Err muka mcm singa sikit , pndg org mcm lapar yg nak makan daging , sombong pulak tu *Kutuk , jahat gila haha . Naik speed boat , mmg tak rasa mcm kapal titanic pun HAHA . Then pergi telaga tujuh , oh i met justin bieber's malaysia there HE HE . His name David , amaigad <3 haha lunch , mulalah 3 laki mangkuk mangkuk ayun tu kacau kakak yg kerja dkt situ sumpah kakak tu BLUSHING GILA haha perasan do , amik order dkt kitorg buat muka mintk kaki dgn bontot , bila hakim mintk order , punyalah gedik mcm ada org dtg nk masuk meminang dia , tolonglah nyahh =,= HAHA
Day 3
Abg syabil dah peramah sikit , thank god dia baik haha budak laki masak maggi goreng , AWE-SOME gila , but skill langsung takde HAHA :D Hakim hakim , uh dah okay . Act dia pemalu , thts why mcm tak tegur , but bila hari ketiga bru kenal dia mcm mana , agak baik :) Underwaterworld , i think whole family uncle joe menhidap penyakit demam "Stingray" haha . Like ohmygod , stingray cute gila , oh i want to kiss you :* haha and ya Pergi ke tmpat bersejarah such as "Beras terbakar" and sewaktu dgnnya , pergi idaman suri , yang ni paling tak tahan , 3 mangkuk ayun tu buat hal lagi HAHA
Akim : Akak , suri ada tak dkt sini ?
Salesgirl : Ha ? [Muka blur]
Akim : Suri ada tak ni ?
Salesgirl : *Diam
Kitorg punya lah fikir apa bnda suri tu , ingatkan jenama pinggan mangkuk , rupanya "Idaman SURI" dah lah tnya dgn muka akim yg innoncent gila tu , mcm pig je hahaha . Then bila dah byk kali kenakan org , kakak salesgirl dkt situ semua tak layan dorg , padan muka korg HAHA and mlm tu jalan2 dkt pantai chenang , guess what guys ? I met david again at pantai chenang , AHHH in love again ;) haha oh ya , mera's family stopped by at one shop , wawa pun ikut ah . Mera shopping sakan dkt situ , ok im jealous -,- Look , japenesse girl yg jual those t-shirt , sumpah comel je dia berkata kata bahasa malaysia :) HAHA apa lagi , abg najeeb dgn syabil dah berebut rebut nk perempuan tu , gila japanense girl betul dorg ni haha . Malam tu , last day tidur dkt homestay so take a chance borak borak dgn syanaz and syameen , AWW byk gila benda diborakkan , syanaz ckp my attitude sama mcm dia time her age 13 , ouch kita mcm kembar lah kan :p haha
Day 4
LAST DAY LAST DAY , packing stuff and seriously my tears feel want drop , i'll miss langkawi and all the baby stingray :( *Bapak poyo HAHA . Arrived at jetty point , i met so many babies there , oh man ! Saya nak ada baby boleh ? HAHAHA gila meroyan apa -,- Dalam feri , mmg rasa mcm nk muntah katak ahh , hujan pulak tu , mau tak berombak ombak . Haha akim bajet dia model , dia ckp nk bukak baju dlm feri , ckp lebih , tapi tak bukak bukak , penat tnggu dia tak pakai baju xP haha time balik mmg tak lama lah kan journey nk balik kl =.=" HA akhirnya kena berpisah dgn family uncle joe :( Syanaz usap rmbut mcm wawa ni kecik sgt je , eeee :p haha WHATEVER IT IS , thanks uncle saiful azman , auntie azni , mera , abg najeeb , abg hakim , uncle joe , auntie lyn , kak syameen , kak syanaz , abg syabil cause' makes me happy :)
OMG im getting fat day by day , time dkt langkawi uncle joe mmg suka buat org makan lah , ouch my pipi tembam :O MAMAA , saya nk diet lahh he he
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