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Monday, January 24, 2011
Sadisnya. Sedihnya. Deritanya. LOL
Kayh. Saya sebagai hamba Allah yang baik hati sungguh bersimpati kepada seorang perempuan ini. Pleasee lah. Behave yourself. Awak tu anak dara. Perlu ke cubit lengan or perut lelaki? Kau saja nak bagi aku jealous or what? Kalau boleh setiap masa mesti nak berkepit dgn laki yang aku suka eh? Before this takde pulak. Oh ni kes balas dendam psl rumah delta tu lah? Fine. Aku mengalah. Kau amik lah dia wehh. You deserve him. Puas? Aku rasa crush aku pun dah fell in love dgn kau. So baguslah kan. Biar aku sorg je dkt sini. Takpe, dah byk kali aku heartbroken disebabkan kau. Aku tak kisah ~
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ouh my ~
Luqman Hakim Bin Muhammat Puzi ♥
Ulat bulu dah naik daun LOL :D Kay dia pakai baju melayu harini. Mau tak tergugat iman. Haih knapa lah kau mesti comel? Iloveyou ah haha. Mata luqman tak mengancam sgt, tapi boleh tergoda lah jugak hihi. Heyy would you be mineee? Seriously im soo in love with you. TEHEEE <3
Ulat bulu dah naik daun LOL :D Kay dia pakai baju melayu harini. Mau tak tergugat iman. Haih knapa lah kau mesti comel? Iloveyou ah haha. Mata luqman tak mengancam sgt, tapi boleh tergoda lah jugak hihi. Heyy would you be mineee? Seriously im soo in love with you. TEHEEE <3
Monday, January 17, 2011
Dude. She's such a bitch -,-
Hello fellas. Ahh for the first time. Saya rendahkan ego and sikap mementingkan diri sendiri dgn meminta maaf kepada seorang hamba allah yang bernama muhamad danish bin zabidi t-.-t haha. Kay that's not the point of this post. All the bitches in the house say "HEY!" BITCH! "Im the uggliest among the bitch" LOL. Dodo's supposed to say like that. You know what, dodo's the worst enemy ever. Tolonglah jangan annoying sgt "doh" HAHA dia dtg kelas tadi. Mintak duit rumah sukan. BOOO deltaa. GOO betaa. Haha. Dodo ckp mcm ni :
Kepada sesiapa yang dah bayar duit rumah sukan. Terima Kasih. And yang tak bayar, tolong bayar. Lepasni tak payah kutuk kutuk dekat FB.
Then dia blahh. EWW -.- Please don't act like you're good enough. I know you're pretty than me. LOL kau nak tahu sgt kenapa aku benci kau? Sebab kau suka menggatal dgn lelaki. Yah i know tu perangai "semulajadi" Nakgedik pun agak ah sikit. Kalau boleh semua laki kau nk pegang tangan -.- And please. Tak payah nk baik dgn bestfriend aku lah. Look fake. Tiba tiba nk cerita semua. Yes i know honey. Semua crush and ex aku suka kat kau. Then what? Perlu ke bagitahu lagi? Kayh cukup lah. Aku taknak dpt dosa lagi sbb ngumpat kau. Buang masa doh. Bye HAHA
Kepada sesiapa yang dah bayar duit rumah sukan. Terima Kasih. And yang tak bayar, tolong bayar. Lepasni tak payah kutuk kutuk dekat FB.
Then dia blahh. EWW -.- Please don't act like you're good enough. I know you're pretty than me. LOL kau nak tahu sgt kenapa aku benci kau? Sebab kau suka menggatal dgn lelaki. Yah i know tu perangai "semulajadi" Nakgedik pun agak ah sikit. Kalau boleh semua laki kau nk pegang tangan -.- And please. Tak payah nk baik dgn bestfriend aku lah. Look fake. Tiba tiba nk cerita semua. Yes i know honey. Semua crush and ex aku suka kat kau. Then what? Perlu ke bagitahu lagi? Kayh cukup lah. Aku taknak dpt dosa lagi sbb ngumpat kau. Buang masa doh. Bye HAHA
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Luahan Perasaan
Hey, dah lama tak ckp. I nk ckp something dkt you. Maybe you akan rasa annoying sikit dgn i. But ah nevermind because i can't pretend anymore, maybe you thought i've move on but to tell the truth my feelings aren't gone. Hm Im still loving you, i miss how we used to be and im still remember all the memories when im with you. Maybe you don't feel the same way, i ni je yang perasan sendiri, syok sendiri.
But seriously deep in my heart, i love you so much :/ 4bulan i pendam and i diam. But now i tak boleh. I know you still syg ex you. And now you dah ada awek lain. I pun taknak kacau. I just nk you tahu yg i still sygkan you. Tu je. I just nk kita mcm dulu, even dah takde pape. But still kawan :') Hm i know theres no more chance for me. But i berharap sgt i boleh dgn you balik. But yah sygnya mmg tak kan terjadi. I mintk maaf if i ada buat salah. Hey. Thanks for everything and all the memories. I'll remember you always. Btw i still simpan ur nametag. Hm iloveyou. Bye
I've sent it to him last week. Oh my god what i've done? Im digging my own grave! LOL luckily he understands and makes me feel not so embarassed. Finally, 4months i kept it as secret and noww its finally revealed haha. Nevermind, as long as im satiesfied with myself. Berani ni weh, kau jangan main gila. HAHA heyy iloveyouu. Bye ♥
But seriously deep in my heart, i love you so much :/ 4bulan i pendam and i diam. But now i tak boleh. I know you still syg ex you. And now you dah ada awek lain. I pun taknak kacau. I just nk you tahu yg i still sygkan you. Tu je. I just nk kita mcm dulu, even dah takde pape. But still kawan :') Hm i know theres no more chance for me. But i berharap sgt i boleh dgn you balik. But yah sygnya mmg tak kan terjadi. I mintk maaf if i ada buat salah. Hey. Thanks for everything and all the memories. I'll remember you always. Btw i still simpan ur nametag. Hm iloveyou. Bye
I've sent it to him last week. Oh my god what i've done? Im digging my own grave! LOL luckily he understands and makes me feel not so embarassed. Finally, 4months i kept it as secret and noww its finally revealed haha. Nevermind, as long as im satiesfied with myself. Berani ni weh, kau jangan main gila. HAHA heyy iloveyouu. Bye ♥
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hey, long time not updating this blog, yahh school is getting better day by day. Oh my god, seriously form 1 ada yang comel. Sheefa ckp boleh buat anak ikan. LOL. I got new adopt brother, danishh 1Efisien <3 Bukan danish zabidi okay, tak hingin nk amik dia jadi adik angkat -,- haha. And you know what, ada lah sorg mamat comel ni, nama dia farhan. 1Arif, AHHHH iman tak cukup kuat. Terus runtuh bila tgok dia ;p hahahaha. Okay, sumpah takde story apa apa lagi. Hidup bosan -______- Lagi lagi takde "kesayangan" hahahaha. Nevermind, nk cuba single setahun. Itupun kalau boleh tahan nafsu ni hahaha, AHHHH salwaaa comeeeel boleeeeh :D
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