Dear ex, 16/1/2010. On that day, it was all of sudden. And yeah just so you know, you're my first love in highschool. I don't know if you still keep all the things that i gave to you, and i don't know if you're still remember how i put that things in your bag. Well not so things, it's a kertas that i wrote "Iloveyou, from S" Haha everyday buat spotcheck on your bag without your permission. Oh yelah, i was a prefect-to-be last year, prefect-to-be-yang-tak-menjadi so tu yang berani punggah your bag :P hehe. Oil clear sheet, sorry, i took it without your permission too, but i guess you already know, one of your bestfriend told you i guess. Ego, break, tears. Thanks for everything, Thanks for the date-that-not-so-like-a-date. If you wanna know, i never regret being with you. Wolverine, mabuk, hutan, sarang burung etc etc. Your nicknames that given by me is so unique. LOL but for your information, i'm over you already.
Dear ex, 16/8/2010. Actually he's my ex but for 1 week only. We're in a relationship on 13/5/2010 but for some reason, we've break. I know i'm not so clever on that time, leave you hanging. But yeah i've accepted you back on 16/8. "Would you be mine?" Thats the sentences that you've said to me last year. Just so you know, i'm happy to the max because i wanna fix everything back. It's all my fault and now you give me one more chance, Thanks for the memories, klcc, mcflurry, step up 3, cotton on, petrosains. But semua tu tak kekal kan. Haha well takpe. We're not in relationship anymore & i don't think we're friends right now. Eventho you're the one who asked for breakup, but looks like you put all the blame on me. Nevermind, but for your information, i'm over you already.
Dear ex, 25/3/2011. I like you from standard 6. I know i'm your first love. Ceh perasan yg tak tahan tu. Hahaha you ignored me. I've confess my feelings to you but still you ignored me. Why am i such a fool? Haha we don't talk/chat until on this date 23/3, you IM-ed me on facebook and you've asked me to be yours. And i was like "This guy? really? apahal takde angin takde ribut ni?" But still mintak masa for me to think first. But i've accepted you on 25/3. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, dah suka takkan nk tolak kan? LOL. I'm your first girlfriend and you don't have any experience and i feel wanna give up on you but dah sayang kan, so just go on with the relationship. Haha Thanks for the 'Payungkan' moment eventho your mum is just right infront of us, thanks for the salwa's name. Thanks for all the late night conversations. I-i-loveyou like a love song baby. Hahaha. Thanks for the date in your class everyday, i guess :b haha. And the cute moment when you're jealous towards justin bieber when i said "Kalau antara *his name* dgn Justin Bieber, wa pilih Justin bieber, sorry *his name* LOL until balik, you ignored me. You said "Laki mana yg tak marah kalau awek dia ckp mcm tu?" Ayat dia macam tu jugak lah hahahahahaha. But for your information, i'm over you already. Sorry. 5months you left me and i'm over you.
I've no feelings towards you anymore. Saya dah tak suka awak.

ze followers
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tiada tajuk. Tulisan semata mata.
Its 2:19 a.m and i'm not sleepy, and i feel like updating my blog. So for this post, imma talk about novels. Last novel that i've read is Cinta Kontrak - Nurul Ain Shuhada. Ok promote time. Lol i think you guys should buy ze novel sebab seriously after i read the novel, one whole day, i keep imagine/thinking/talking about marriage, plus the hero in the novel macam prince charming lah kononnya. Haha well the novel tak sedih but funny! Muhammad Danial Franz sediakan kontrak before kahwin dgn Airysha. But actually, he really loves Airysha just ego, well lelaki. Taknak mengaku. Duduk satu rumah but sorg tidur atas katil, sorg tidur atas sofa, kalau bernasib baik, tidur sama sama lah. LOL. But the novels macam miang miang sikit hahahaha but romantic! I feel like "Ah nak kahwin, PMR tak lepas lagi, shit, i wanna marry" Hahaha. But sedih sikit time salah faham, Boyfriend lama Airisya hantar message 'Rindu'. Dorg gaduh and Airysha nak balik kampung, but Danial tak bagi. Airysha berkeras jugak until danial ckp "Kau keluar dari bilik ni, jatuh talak satu" tapi gaduh kejap je :3 Nak tahu lagi? Beli lah! Haha i give 5stars of 5stars. Seriously you won't regret if you buy it :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I'm back!!!
Assalamualaikum selamat sejahtera hello hi hey everyone! Didnt update this blog for 2-3 weeks i guess. Sorry, i'm a lazy ass one yang not blogger holic anymore, sorry sorry sorry :( *pasang lagu sorry sorry-superjunior* LOL. And i forgot to update about my birthday yeay! 25September and it all went well. Thanks to Amirah Syazwani, Puteri Sulaikha, Mahrukh Moghal, Nabilah Aripin, Fatanah Alia, Izaty. You guys are ze best! They pranked me and said "Wa, sorry kitorg petik nama kau" and i was like "petik what?!! petik for?! Tell me!" sampai nangis. They said berkaitan sekolah like disiplin etc.
I've cried like theres no tomorrow. Suddenly Alai took me to the canteen and everyone was like "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you asdfkfnjnjhdbfhbdh, happy birthday to salwa comel, hjdbshbdhbs, happy birthday to you" I screamed and hugged Alai tighly :3 and i was like "I hate chu, i hate chu guys, you guys pranked me so well :(" Hahahaha. The best suprise i ever had. Thats why i love my girlfriend!! Thanks for those who wished me, 289 wishes on facebook, 20 wishes on twitter, 9 wishes thru text. This is the proof that i've awesome friends in dah world! Love you guys so so and so much ok *lempar bunga ros* Oh yeah this year paling banyak dapat hadiah hehe n_nV
From Alai: Gift set Bernice that contained Silver glass comb and mirror
From Rabiatul: A teddy bear holding "iloveyou" pillow
From Amer Izzat: Hello Kitty's Handbag
From Amirah Syazwani: Novel that titled "Saat kau kata cinta"
From Haziq: Novel that titled "Adam & Hawa"
From Afiq Rabbani: Novel that titled "Cucur bawang & Kopi 'O'"
From Amera: Novel that titled "Cinta Kontrak"
From Mama: Novel that titled "Episod cinta" and a watch
From Ali, Tommy, Asyiera: A bag that filled with lots of foods and cadbury chocolates"
From Sheefa: A sing along barbie's cd LOL
From Nurazlin Syamira: Milkteddy's purse
From Mahrukh, Nabilah, Fatanah, Izaty: A chocolate cake on my suprise's celebrate birthday
Thank you so much for the presents. Iheartyouguys xoxo
I've cried like theres no tomorrow. Suddenly Alai took me to the canteen and everyone was like "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you asdfkfnjnjhdbfhbdh, happy birthday to salwa comel, hjdbshbdhbs, happy birthday to you" I screamed and hugged Alai tighly :3 and i was like "I hate chu, i hate chu guys, you guys pranked me so well :(" Hahahaha. The best suprise i ever had. Thats why i love my girlfriend!! Thanks for those who wished me, 289 wishes on facebook, 20 wishes on twitter, 9 wishes thru text. This is the proof that i've awesome friends in dah world! Love you guys so so and so much ok *lempar bunga ros* Oh yeah this year paling banyak dapat hadiah hehe n_nV
From Alai: Gift set Bernice that contained Silver glass comb and mirror
From Rabiatul: A teddy bear holding "iloveyou" pillow
From Amer Izzat: Hello Kitty's Handbag
From Amirah Syazwani: Novel that titled "Saat kau kata cinta"
From Haziq: Novel that titled "Adam & Hawa"
From Afiq Rabbani: Novel that titled "Cucur bawang & Kopi 'O'"
From Amera: Novel that titled "Cinta Kontrak"
From Mama: Novel that titled "Episod cinta" and a watch
From Ali, Tommy, Asyiera: A bag that filled with lots of foods and cadbury chocolates"
From Sheefa: A sing along barbie's cd LOL
From Nurazlin Syamira: Milkteddy's purse
From Mahrukh, Nabilah, Fatanah, Izaty: A chocolate cake on my suprise's celebrate birthday
Thank you so much for the presents. Iheartyouguys xoxo
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