Yaww, Yesterday im unline ym because fariq ask me to do that HAHA, Then, fadzren BUZZ! me and ask me to webcam with him, but my webcam is broken haha after that Ici say GENGSTER to me, they all say hi to me in same time, yeahh, actually they all in same place, WHAT THE HELL? haha, after that akmal greet me :) Im very busy yesterday because had to entertain fariq, fadzren, ici and akmal in the same time ==" Btw, on my facebook also have person that want chat with me, its Amzar and Nabila :) Then, my phone vibrate and im just like whoooaaa! The text is from Hazman Reza :D Im so exciteeedd, haha, my fingers now tired because entertain 7 people in same time -_____- hahaha
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