Omgeeeeeeeee, yesterday wawa and whole family "masak" banyak benda lahh jugakk because my auntie nak buka puasa sama, and dpt lahh jugakk wawa jumpa asyura and afshah, whooop my cousins :) Here's some pictures of food that im cooking by "myself" wuhooooo *kerja nk menipu jee lebih dia nie -,- haha
Loooook, i can even smell the food here xD haha
Squid on the right side, and eggs on the left side :D
Paru + sambal + burgerdeal, ehh opssss (don't know is it the correct spelling of burgerdeal or not) haha
Food food food, i want ur food ;D
Me + naaef = muka berpuasa penuh nie :p hahahahhaha
Awwwwww foods everywhere, tuhh mata tuhh, mata horny namanyaa :) HAHHAHAHHA wahh kurang pahale dahh nie =.= haaha
Watermelon's drink there, and omgeeeeeeeeeee can't wait to eat it, the "burgerdeal" is cooked by me, trust me, *wahh dah pas kalau kahwin ;)
Hambik kau, ayak smpai dua gelas tuuu :p Licin takk pinggan tuhh? tak sgt sbb ada tulang ayaaaaaaaaam -,- hahahhaha