Dear ex, 16/1/2010. On that day, it was all of sudden. And yeah just so you know, you're my first love in highschool. I don't know if you still keep all the things that i gave to you, and i don't know if you're still remember how i put that things in your bag. Well not so things, it's a kertas that i wrote "Iloveyou, from S" Haha everyday buat spotcheck on your bag without your permission. Oh yelah, i was a prefect-to-be last year, prefect-to-be-yang-tak-menjadi so tu yang berani punggah your bag :P hehe. Oil clear sheet, sorry, i took it without your permission too, but i guess you already know, one of your bestfriend told you i guess. Ego, break, tears. Thanks for everything, Thanks for the date-that-not-so-like-a-date. If you wanna know, i never regret being with you. Wolverine, mabuk, hutan, sarang burung etc etc. Your nicknames that given by me is so unique. LOL but for your information, i'm over you already.
Dear ex, 16/8/2010. Actually he's my ex but for 1 week only. We're in a relationship on 13/5/2010 but for some reason, we've break. I know i'm not so clever on that time, leave you hanging. But yeah i've accepted you back on 16/8. "Would you be mine?" Thats the sentences that you've said to me last year. Just so you know, i'm happy to the max because i wanna fix everything back. It's all my fault and now you give me one more chance, Thanks for the memories, klcc, mcflurry, step up 3, cotton on, petrosains. But semua tu tak kekal kan. Haha well takpe. We're not in relationship anymore & i don't think we're friends right now. Eventho you're the one who asked for breakup, but looks like you put all the blame on me. Nevermind, but for your information, i'm over you already.
Dear ex, 25/3/2011. I like you from standard 6. I know i'm your first love. Ceh perasan yg tak tahan tu. Hahaha you ignored me. I've confess my feelings to you but still you ignored me. Why am i such a fool? Haha we don't talk/chat until on this date 23/3, you IM-ed me on facebook and you've asked me to be yours. And i was like "This guy? really? apahal takde angin takde ribut ni?" But still mintak masa for me to think first. But i've accepted you on 25/3. Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, dah suka takkan nk tolak kan? LOL. I'm your first girlfriend and you don't have any experience and i feel wanna give up on you but dah sayang kan, so just go on with the relationship. Haha Thanks for the 'Payungkan' moment eventho your mum is just right infront of us, thanks for the salwa's name. Thanks for all the late night conversations. I-i-loveyou like a love song baby. Hahaha. Thanks for the date in your class everyday, i guess :b haha. And the cute moment when you're jealous towards justin bieber when i said "Kalau antara *his name* dgn Justin Bieber, wa pilih Justin bieber, sorry *his name* LOL until balik, you ignored me. You said "Laki mana yg tak marah kalau awek dia ckp mcm tu?" Ayat dia macam tu jugak lah hahahahahaha. But for your information, i'm over you already. Sorry. 5months you left me and i'm over you.
I've no feelings towards you anymore. Saya dah tak suka awak.

ze followers
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tiada tajuk. Tulisan semata mata.
Its 2:19 a.m and i'm not sleepy, and i feel like updating my blog. So for this post, imma talk about novels. Last novel that i've read is Cinta Kontrak - Nurul Ain Shuhada. Ok promote time. Lol i think you guys should buy ze novel sebab seriously after i read the novel, one whole day, i keep imagine/thinking/talking about marriage, plus the hero in the novel macam prince charming lah kononnya. Haha well the novel tak sedih but funny! Muhammad Danial Franz sediakan kontrak before kahwin dgn Airysha. But actually, he really loves Airysha just ego, well lelaki. Taknak mengaku. Duduk satu rumah but sorg tidur atas katil, sorg tidur atas sofa, kalau bernasib baik, tidur sama sama lah. LOL. But the novels macam miang miang sikit hahahaha but romantic! I feel like "Ah nak kahwin, PMR tak lepas lagi, shit, i wanna marry" Hahaha. But sedih sikit time salah faham, Boyfriend lama Airisya hantar message 'Rindu'. Dorg gaduh and Airysha nak balik kampung, but Danial tak bagi. Airysha berkeras jugak until danial ckp "Kau keluar dari bilik ni, jatuh talak satu" tapi gaduh kejap je :3 Nak tahu lagi? Beli lah! Haha i give 5stars of 5stars. Seriously you won't regret if you buy it :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I'm back!!!
Assalamualaikum selamat sejahtera hello hi hey everyone! Didnt update this blog for 2-3 weeks i guess. Sorry, i'm a lazy ass one yang not blogger holic anymore, sorry sorry sorry :( *pasang lagu sorry sorry-superjunior* LOL. And i forgot to update about my birthday yeay! 25September and it all went well. Thanks to Amirah Syazwani, Puteri Sulaikha, Mahrukh Moghal, Nabilah Aripin, Fatanah Alia, Izaty. You guys are ze best! They pranked me and said "Wa, sorry kitorg petik nama kau" and i was like "petik what?!! petik for?! Tell me!" sampai nangis. They said berkaitan sekolah like disiplin etc.
I've cried like theres no tomorrow. Suddenly Alai took me to the canteen and everyone was like "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you asdfkfnjnjhdbfhbdh, happy birthday to salwa comel, hjdbshbdhbs, happy birthday to you" I screamed and hugged Alai tighly :3 and i was like "I hate chu, i hate chu guys, you guys pranked me so well :(" Hahahaha. The best suprise i ever had. Thats why i love my girlfriend!! Thanks for those who wished me, 289 wishes on facebook, 20 wishes on twitter, 9 wishes thru text. This is the proof that i've awesome friends in dah world! Love you guys so so and so much ok *lempar bunga ros* Oh yeah this year paling banyak dapat hadiah hehe n_nV
From Alai: Gift set Bernice that contained Silver glass comb and mirror
From Rabiatul: A teddy bear holding "iloveyou" pillow
From Amer Izzat: Hello Kitty's Handbag
From Amirah Syazwani: Novel that titled "Saat kau kata cinta"
From Haziq: Novel that titled "Adam & Hawa"
From Afiq Rabbani: Novel that titled "Cucur bawang & Kopi 'O'"
From Amera: Novel that titled "Cinta Kontrak"
From Mama: Novel that titled "Episod cinta" and a watch
From Ali, Tommy, Asyiera: A bag that filled with lots of foods and cadbury chocolates"
From Sheefa: A sing along barbie's cd LOL
From Nurazlin Syamira: Milkteddy's purse
From Mahrukh, Nabilah, Fatanah, Izaty: A chocolate cake on my suprise's celebrate birthday
Thank you so much for the presents. Iheartyouguys xoxo
I've cried like theres no tomorrow. Suddenly Alai took me to the canteen and everyone was like "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you asdfkfnjnjhdbfhbdh, happy birthday to salwa comel, hjdbshbdhbs, happy birthday to you" I screamed and hugged Alai tighly :3 and i was like "I hate chu, i hate chu guys, you guys pranked me so well :(" Hahahaha. The best suprise i ever had. Thats why i love my girlfriend!! Thanks for those who wished me, 289 wishes on facebook, 20 wishes on twitter, 9 wishes thru text. This is the proof that i've awesome friends in dah world! Love you guys so so and so much ok *lempar bunga ros* Oh yeah this year paling banyak dapat hadiah hehe n_nV
From Alai: Gift set Bernice that contained Silver glass comb and mirror
From Rabiatul: A teddy bear holding "iloveyou" pillow
From Amer Izzat: Hello Kitty's Handbag
From Amirah Syazwani: Novel that titled "Saat kau kata cinta"
From Haziq: Novel that titled "Adam & Hawa"
From Afiq Rabbani: Novel that titled "Cucur bawang & Kopi 'O'"
From Amera: Novel that titled "Cinta Kontrak"
From Mama: Novel that titled "Episod cinta" and a watch
From Ali, Tommy, Asyiera: A bag that filled with lots of foods and cadbury chocolates"
From Sheefa: A sing along barbie's cd LOL
From Nurazlin Syamira: Milkteddy's purse
From Mahrukh, Nabilah, Fatanah, Izaty: A chocolate cake on my suprise's celebrate birthday
Thank you so much for the presents. Iheartyouguys xoxo
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Hii everyonee
Hi! Long time no post, and btw Selamat Hari Raya :) Maybe i'll do a video for Hari Raya. MAYBE. Just wait and see ok. Haha. Oh ya Alhamdulillah duit raya so far banyak lah jugak dapat. Rm400, better than last year hehe. So selama beberapa minggu tak update ni, many things happened to me. Heartbroken tu ada lah sikit. OK malas nak fikir pasal dia. Lagi buat sakit hati adalah. Rasa macam nak bunuh bunuh je dia!! Kalau lah boleh. Hahahaha
Sooo eheem there's new guy yang baru masuk my school. His name is Adam Ariff. But he's not new for me because kalau nak tahu dia dulu pernah sama sekolah rendah but then dia pindah time standard 2. So i'm just like what the hell boleh jumpa dia balik?!! 5Years tak jumpa and now we're in the same school. OMG this is so creepy, KILL ME NOW. Haha well he's still cute macam dulu LOL jk and he's short than me. Haha ok next story, Hello Mr L :) Please don't be too-handsome-and-cute if you want me to stay alive. Because i'm so gonna die because-of-your-handsomeness-and-cuteness :) I know it sounds weird when i'm still talking about "Mr L" eventhough we don't have any relationship anymore. Kisah? Tak kisah kan if just a crush :)
Sooo eheem there's new guy yang baru masuk my school. His name is Adam Ariff. But he's not new for me because kalau nak tahu dia dulu pernah sama sekolah rendah but then dia pindah time standard 2. So i'm just like what the hell boleh jumpa dia balik?!! 5Years tak jumpa and now we're in the same school. OMG this is so creepy, KILL ME NOW. Haha well he's still cute macam dulu LOL jk and he's short than me. Haha ok next story, Hello Mr L :) Please don't be too-handsome-and-cute if you want me to stay alive. Because i'm so gonna die because-of-your-handsomeness-and-cuteness :) I know it sounds weird when i'm still talking about "Mr L" eventhough we don't have any relationship anymore. Kisah? Tak kisah kan if just a crush :)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Well hello mah followers!! :D Sorry for the late post. Happy Fasting guys. May Ramadhan this year be as bright as ever and also bring joy, health and wealth to you. Hmm first day of Ramadhan.. its all went good but yeah. Not as good as i thought because my mum berbuka at her work place and my sister is at hostel. Hm forever alone Y_Y Actually not so alone because i still have my abah and ya, not to forget my one and only annoying little brother, Naaef -.- Haha But nevermind! Finally, genap 1week all the muslims fasting, jeng jeng. One of the reason why i love my mum! <3
Kari ikan with burgerdeal and watermelon for dessert. UH YUM YUM! Hekhekhek don't be jelly jelly with me k? :3 I think that's all for this post. It's 2.18 A.m and imma sleep now, papai readers~
Kari ikan with burgerdeal and watermelon for dessert. UH YUM YUM! Hekhekhek don't be jelly jelly with me k? :3 I think that's all for this post. It's 2.18 A.m and imma sleep now, papai readers~
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
3Months 2weeks 4days. Thanks for everything Luqman Hakim. Iloveyou and i'll miss you. Bye12.43 a.m Rabu 13 Julai 2011
Salwa Bt Mohd Azman Is Single
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Dear Followers
Dear my 166 followers,
Sorry for everything. Hahaha i'll update this blog 2times in 1month. I guess. Because i'm so lazy and i'm not a blogger-holic anymore. So if you guys need anything just find me on:-
Facebook: Salwa Azman
Twitter: @Salwabcdefghey
Tumblr: Justkeepdreamingonit
Formspring: Salwaazmaan
Skype: Salwaazman
Just click on the links above. So i guess thats all. Keep in touch :-)
Sorry for everything. Hahaha i'll update this blog 2times in 1month. I guess. Because i'm so lazy and i'm not a blogger-holic anymore. So if you guys need anything just find me on:-
Facebook: Salwa Azman
Twitter: @Salwabcdefghey
Tumblr: Justkeepdreamingonit
Formspring: Salwaazmaan
Skype: Salwaazman
Just click on the links above. So i guess thats all. Keep in touch :-)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Finally exam is fucking over. Thank god. Got the result already. I love my BM. Hihihi. 85 :D And yah geography, 72. Ftw, 3more marks. Dear cikgu Zul Akmal you're the most handsome teacher i ever met. You are so kind and i don't know why you looks shiny today. Mahgod, are you an angel that came from heaven? :O Unfortunately, he ignores me. Damn it. Melepas. Berbuih mulut aku puji dia D: haha. Mathematics. Like seriously, please. What i've done to you? I do nothing but you still keeps wanna be the low marks.
K next story. Haha today i met someone. Dia dekat pejabat. HE IS SUPER FLYING HOT and COOL. HAHAHA. I stared at him like 5minutes then he stared at me back. I'm just like OMG. FUCKYOU. YOU ARE SO CUTE. LOL. I stalked him. I know it's crazy but who cares? I thought dia nak pindah sini. But Arip ckp he's 18. HAAAAA why are you pendek. K not "so" pendek. Haha. We had an eye contact. Awkward. Dia terus macam gelabah gila nak mati. Haha. Chill. Saya tak makan orang lah awak :3 hahahaha. By the way, i got 2nd place for story telling competition. Tahniah tahniah. hebat kan :P
PS: Sorry Luqman. Menggedik kejap. Don't worry you're still my number one. One and only one k. HAHA
K next story. Haha today i met someone. Dia dekat pejabat. HE IS SUPER FLYING HOT and COOL. HAHAHA. I stared at him like 5minutes then he stared at me back. I'm just like OMG. FUCKYOU. YOU ARE SO CUTE. LOL. I stalked him. I know it's crazy but who cares? I thought dia nak pindah sini. But Arip ckp he's 18. HAAAAA why are you pendek. K not "so" pendek. Haha. We had an eye contact. Awkward. Dia terus macam gelabah gila nak mati. Haha. Chill. Saya tak makan orang lah awak :3 hahahaha. By the way, i got 2nd place for story telling competition. Tahniah tahniah. hebat kan :P
PS: Sorry Luqman. Menggedik kejap. Don't worry you're still my number one. One and only one k. HAHA
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
Here we go~ haha. JUST IGNORE my fucking face and my fucking voice because i know it's horrible :O haha. So dear Rosni Yusof A.k.a my mama haha, iloveyousomuch. Thanks for everything. Thanks for being there whenever i need you, thanks for giving me money when i "really" need it, REALLY. Haha. Thanks mum because taking care of me and handle me at my worst. Yes. You deserve the best. And yeah thanks because bring me into this world.. Btw, you should proud to have a daughter like me. Seriously :p Lastlyyy *Mcm ayat essay pulak hahaha. ILOVEYOUMAMA :D
Monday, April 25, 2011
Luqman Hakim. Happy Anniversary 1month. Iloveyou sayang :D
Hihihi. And thnks for the present xx. Nasib baik aku tak jerit time dia bagi bnda ni -.- haha Btw ada bau perfume dia dkt bnda ni. ADUH memang tak tidur malam lah aku alamatnya HAHA
Kay mesti korg fikir bru sebulan dah kecoh. Ohmy i don't give a shit :p Oh ya semua status penuh psl justin bieber and blog pun. Najihah aziz? She's so lucky. Kalau aku jadi dia, dah pengsan. Aku rasa aku terus peluk justin bieber. Taknak lepas terus! Kalau diberi pilihan antara Luqman and Justin Bieber. I choose.. Haha of course my one and only one. Luqman Hakim ♥ Yelah nanti ada org tu tak psl psl merajuk psl justin bieber lagi nanti kang :P hahaha
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I just came back from watching Neversaynever 3D at Wangsa walk with mira syazwani and mahrukh moghal. Like ohmygod. Just wanna say, the movie was epic! I was crying while watching it. Whatever you wanna say like justin bieber is gay, racist, but you know what, all girls love him. Including me. Justin Bieber's everywhere ;) His story inspiring me. Everyone should watch it. I feel like he's infront of me playing his concert. Kay aku mengaku aku menangis gila gila time part "one less lonely girl" i wish i was that girl. Poor me :( *mintak simpati sikit hahaha. Oh and ya! In this movie, his manager said that he thought the tickets of justin bieber's concert at Madison Square Garden will sold out within 2days. But unexpected! The tickets sold within 22minutes. I'm about to sream, even Michael Jackson sold the tickets within 2weeks while Taylor Swift in 2days. Okay, awesome AGAIN. Haha hm even i'm not going to his concert but nevermind, watching his story is like meet him face to face. Find out what's possible if you never give up. #Neversaynever.
PS: The awkward moment when justin says "NEVER" about 360 times lol
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I just love him for no fucking reason
*Okay the last picture, my face look so terbakar and yeah i look very short -.- Uuuu~ bad quality of camera, sorry mira syazwani :P I got num 22 for road run, top 30. At least ada nombor kan kan. Haha
Friday, April 1, 2011
Love is right beside me :D
Luqman Hakim Bin Muhammat Puzi. Iloveyouuuu ♥
Tadi kan kan, kita dapat balik sekolah sama-sama dengan dia :D Haha excited lebih. Yeah, first time betul betul jalan sebelah dia. Pergh tergugat iman ni. Haha kira first date ah ni -.- 25 March 2011. Baru seminggu. Lekk lu. Haha oh ya btw, Happy Birthday to my sweetheart. Sheefa bt Zulkifli and to Puteri Sulaikha, Happy Anniversary Alai's day for 2years lmfao. Short post, k baii
Tadi kan kan, kita dapat balik sekolah sama-sama dengan dia :D Haha excited lebih. Yeah, first time betul betul jalan sebelah dia. Pergh tergugat iman ni. Haha kira first date ah ni -.- 25 March 2011. Baru seminggu. Lekk lu. Haha oh ya btw, Happy Birthday to my sweetheart. Sheefa bt Zulkifli and to Puteri Sulaikha, Happy Anniversary Alai's day for 2years lmfao. Short post, k baii
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Salwa Azman yang comel
Memang tak boleh dinafikan budak yang bernama Salwa Bt Mohd Azman ni seorang yg comel. Walaupun pendek, tetapi beliau tetap comel. Jadi, kepada sesiapa yang ingin memuji, tak payah lah. Cukup cukup lah tu, kerana dia sememangnya sudah sedar yang diri dia comel. Bukan setakat comel, tapi sangat comel. HAHAHAHAHA dah dah cukup. Terlebih perasan pun tak boleh judak xD Act bukan nk ckp psl ni. Tapi saja saja menggedik jari ni nk menekan word comel. Haha. Almost 2weeks danish pindah. No more looking at the back, dah takde sapa kan ): Haha. But last saturday. i met him at Anugerah Cemerlang's Lake City High School. LOL. Dia pakai kemeja kelabu, tie pink. Muka mengancam. OH - MY - GOD. K stop salwa. Igt luqman sayang kau tu je. Haha. Oh ya result. Ha ha no need to know. Sedih ni. Jangan kacau! *Emosi kejap haha. Ya allah. Gentle blank, tak tahu nk tulis apa. HAAA! Semalam ada kelas tambahan. So saja singgah library kejap. Tiba tiba kena kepung dgn budak laki form 4. First first berpeluh, cuak ni weh. Haha. But you know what, dorg friendly gila. Adalah jugak sorg guy ni comel. He said his name "Edward Sullen" Dah lah duduk betul betul sebelah. Berani betul mamat ni -.- Haha tapi takpe, as long as he's cute, boleh lah duduk sebelah aku. Kalau tak jangan harap, kaki aku smpai dulu dkt muka dia. HAHAHAHA
Friday, March 11, 2011
Muhamad Danish Bin Zabidi
Last day. Tak sanggup tapi nak buat mcm mana. Redha je lah. Eceh haha. Time sedih mcm ni jugak lah sekolah buat spotcheck. Haih nak je aku bom lagi sekali sekolah tu. HAHA lekk. Perfume selamat sorok hihihi. Time cikgu psycho kitorg celebrate Danish. Yes tak payah belajar! Macam biasa. Wawa letak cream dkt pipi dia. Then dia pun balas balik. NASIB BAIK TAK KENA TUDUNG. Kalau tak jadi lembu lah aku mcm tahun lepas -- haha. Btw thnks to danish's mum. Because treat us pizza. Time kelas cikgu Md.Nawi kitorg baru makan. Then wawa kena jadi pengerusi majlis. Haha tak sampai sekerat jalan dah nangis. HESH SALWA, kau ni buat malu je. Jatuh maruah dah lah dpn danish HAHA. Lepastu danish pulak yang buat ucapan. Dia ckp sweet moment time periksa. "Kitorg tak tiru, tapi bincang" Lmao. Satu kelas gelak. Depan cikgu dia ckp tu. Haha tiba tiba sally tanya soalan maut "Ada suka sapa sapa tak dlm kelas ni?" budak laki semua bising. Dorg ckp "Budak depan" Gentle terasa. Sapa budak depan kalau bukan aku hahaha.
Then Danish ckp start dari huruf B. Huruf akhir huruf H. Semua tak dpt fikir. Including me. Tiba tiba time tgh makan, terus igt. BURUNG PUYUH! Maigod. Terus rasa nk tercekik. Yang budak laki semua blur. Semua tanya apa kena mengena dgn burung puyuh. Haha then sheefa tanya danish burung puyuh ke. Then dia senyum. Awhh ;) Apa lagi lepas makan, mira punya camera jadi mangsa. So many pictures of me and danish. So peminat danish. Jangan jealous k HAHA. Time balik, memang tak tahan airmata. He gave me his tie, nametag and he gave me tissue. Lagi lah sedihhh, mcm perli je bagi aku tisu ni. Haha. So bestfriend, take care of yourself. You're so one in a million. I just can't imagine my life at school without your existence, but yeah. I'll try my best. Hm im scared that you'll forget me. MEMANG AKU BUNUH DIRI kalau kau lupa aku! Hahaha. Bytheway, thanks for the advice "Jaga diri baik baik jugak,nanti nak cari bf,cari yang betul sayang kan kau" Menangis tak berlagu aku dkt sini. Tak pernah org ckp dkt aku mcm ni -.- haha
PS: Burung puyuh is meaning of my name. GOOGLE IT GENIUS :) The best day eh - ver and the best "hug" eh - ver. LOVEYOUU bestfriend :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Makin lama ni makin bosan dgn blog -.- Apa barang blog ni kan? Tumblr lah doo HAHA. Act i don't know what to write anymore. Gentle otak blank. Haha. Nk tahu takk? jeng jeng jeng. Nak tahu takk? jeng jeng jeng hahaha. Lagi seminggu sebelum kesayangan aku pindah :/ Setiap detik sgt dihargai untuk bersama dgnnya. HAHAHA. And you know whaaaat, 5months. Ahh 5months single :) Nikmatnya hidup. BANGGA GILA NI. Dapat tahan segala nafsu nak "bersuami" ni. Hihihi. K stop. Oh monthly test. I'm hoping that my result for my science tak fail. Gila kau fail? My mum ckp "Kalau ada fail, mama sangkut kau atas pokok dpn rumah tu" TAKNAK KENA SANGKUT! TAKNAK KENA SANGKUT! NAK KAHWIN! NAK KAHWIN! Boleh lah mama. Dgn jiran seberang jalan belah kanan. Comel. Sesuai jadi menantu mama HAHA. Hm luqman hakim ♥ Time jumaat dia comel sgt so saja lalu sebelah dia. Sheefa pulak mendajalkan org. Dia tolak aku, terus terlanggar luqman. Speechless terus. Apa lagi, terus lari masuk kelas and jerit mcm org gila. Haha badan dia perh. Kalau dpt peluk lagi best rasanya HAHA
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Long time didn't update this blog. Nothing interesting happens in my life. BORED. Fck yeah. And you know whaaaaat? Of course you don't know. Because i didn't tell you yet xd Muhamad Danish Bin zabidi. PEHAL RAMAI SUKA DIAAAA NI? Boleh je aku nak listkan sorg sorg. But nevermind :p Ok i admit that he's so popular this year -_- Tu lah salwa. Dulu kau yg jual mahal. Kan sekarang dah terlepas. HAHAHAHA -.- Ahhh i've bad news here. Danish is gonna leave me on march ): Dia akan pindah kedah.
DAAAMN! I'll lost my bestfriend. Who's gonna make direct "eye contact" with me if it's not you? Who's gonna lend me book if it's not you? Who's gonna make the most annoying face if it's not you? Who's gonna argue with me infront of people if it's not you? Who's gonna "jealous" if im with another boy if its not you? HAHA skip that sentences :p Who's gonna protect me if cikgu zul izzat scold me if it's not you? You already promised to protect me right? :) SOO what am i gonna do without you? Eceh. Ayat jiwang sgt pun tak boleh jugak -- Haha. So whatever it is, remember me always and all the "sweet moments". I'll miss you bestfriend :)
DAAAMN! I'll lost my bestfriend. Who's gonna make direct "eye contact" with me if it's not you? Who's gonna lend me book if it's not you? Who's gonna make the most annoying face if it's not you? Who's gonna argue with me infront of people if it's not you? Who's gonna "jealous" if im with another boy if its not you? HAHA skip that sentences :p Who's gonna protect me if cikgu zul izzat scold me if it's not you? You already promised to protect me right? :) SOO what am i gonna do without you? Eceh. Ayat jiwang sgt pun tak boleh jugak -- Haha. So whatever it is, remember me always and all the "sweet moments". I'll miss you bestfriend :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sekolah kami maju berjasa ~
Like seriously rasa geli bila baca balik title. Hahaha. Ok today is first day of schooling after 1week holiday. Take a deep breath and walk through the door it's the morning of my very first day ~ First day lah sgt kan -- Haha. Oh i miss him so much, DAMN. Aku tgah ckp psl sapa ni? :O Kay no idea. LOL. And there's someone that i don't know what's wrong with him. Everyday if tak gaduh tak boleh ke? Ya i know dia ego, and aku ego. So if jumpa, we're like cat and dog. RAWRR! Wait that's dinasour :O Haha.
Whatever, as long as he don't cross the line. Actually he did AHHH! I hate you mega super duper much, hm sometimes. Lmfao xd Oh ya, today relief dua masa time agama. TEHEE, Baby i like it ;D Haha. Then cikgu shakira yang ganti. Shakira shakira, oh baby when you talk like that. You make a woman go mad ~ hehe. She's caunselor teacher. Don't know whether the spelling is correct or not. Who cares? :p She talked about Budaya "couple" katakan taknak. Im just like wtf, then she said "Kepada sesiapa yang terasa tu. Pandai pandai lah ye. And yg tak terasa tu, jangan lah terjebak. Sekali awak terjebak, susah dah nk balik ke jalan yg betul" WHOOA. Macam kes jenayah pulak gaya cikgu. Tgah dgr cikgu ckp, air dlm mulut terus tersembur. Luckily i have tissue. Ohh my heroo. Menyelamatkan keadaan HAHAHA. I think thats all. Banyak benda yang dibebelkan but takde isi penting. Cukuplah sekadar penutup. TROLOLOL you mad? xP
Whatever, as long as he don't cross the line. Actually he did AHHH! I hate you mega super duper much, hm sometimes. Lmfao xd Oh ya, today relief dua masa time agama. TEHEE, Baby i like it ;D Haha. Then cikgu shakira yang ganti. Shakira shakira, oh baby when you talk like that. You make a woman go mad ~ hehe. She's caunselor teacher. Don't know whether the spelling is correct or not. Who cares? :p She talked about Budaya "couple" katakan taknak. Im just like wtf, then she said "Kepada sesiapa yang terasa tu. Pandai pandai lah ye. And yg tak terasa tu, jangan lah terjebak. Sekali awak terjebak, susah dah nk balik ke jalan yg betul" WHOOA. Macam kes jenayah pulak gaya cikgu. Tgah dgr cikgu ckp, air dlm mulut terus tersembur. Luckily i have tissue. Ohh my heroo. Menyelamatkan keadaan HAHAHA. I think thats all. Banyak benda yang dibebelkan but takde isi penting. Cukuplah sekadar penutup. TROLOLOL you mad? xP
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Alai's Birthday Party
So. Are you ready guys? We're gonna partayy all the night. Wuhooo. Haha. Lastweek celebrate birthday alai. So dtg dtg je Nabilah and the geng dah ada. Nvm kira first come ah jugak tu :P Haha. Kay semua bwk camera klik klak. Haha. Mcm tak kenal pulak perangai Salwa Binti Mohd Azman yang sawan camera ni. LOL. Full of my pictures on fb. Sorry i don't mean it. I have a fever's of camera hehe :B Continue. Others dtg lmbt. Bestfriend mesti ah dtg awal kan. Baru special :D haha. Theme is redandblack. Dah mcm blackmetal dah aku tgok. HAHA. As usual birthday girl mesti ah kena nyanyi kan kan? She sang a song. Kurasakan pudar dalam hatiku ~ HEHE. You know what I met alif Haziq there.
Oh to the My to the God. Nmpak alif terus lari msuk tandas. But unfortunately tak sempat. Mahrukh and izzati jerit kuat kuat. Something like "Hai Salwaaa" AH. Im just pretend like everything's fine. But in my head im just like "Fuck you" Lmao. Oh ya, he looks hot btw, muahahaha. Maigad, there's a little awkwardness between me and someone after the "luahan perasaan" session. Hey imissyou and you look so cute that night :) TEHEE Nur Nabella, Amera Saiful Azman, Nur Amirah Syazwani, Sheefa Zulkifli, Zuhairi Zuhir. Thanks cause' accompanied me playing in the rain and there's have a effect that affecting me right now. Fever and flu. BOOO! xd So we're the last group yg balik. Actually i'm so dissapointed. Because of rain, i can't swim with my besties. Nevemind. Hujan rahmat. Alai ckp tunggu next year. Ceh HAHA. Btw, i had so much fun there. Thnks to Puteri Sulaikha Binti Subardron because invited me. Love yah xx
Oh to the My to the God. Nmpak alif terus lari msuk tandas. But unfortunately tak sempat. Mahrukh and izzati jerit kuat kuat. Something like "Hai Salwaaa" AH. Im just pretend like everything's fine. But in my head im just like "Fuck you" Lmao. Oh ya, he looks hot btw, muahahaha. Maigad, there's a little awkwardness between me and someone after the "luahan perasaan" session. Hey imissyou and you look so cute that night :) TEHEE Nur Nabella, Amera Saiful Azman, Nur Amirah Syazwani, Sheefa Zulkifli, Zuhairi Zuhir. Thanks cause' accompanied me playing in the rain and there's have a effect that affecting me right now. Fever and flu. BOOO! xd So we're the last group yg balik. Actually i'm so dissapointed. Because of rain, i can't swim with my besties. Nevemind. Hujan rahmat. Alai ckp tunggu next year. Ceh HAHA. Btw, i had so much fun there. Thnks to Puteri Sulaikha Binti Subardron because invited me. Love yah xx
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sadisnya. Sedihnya. Deritanya. LOL
Kayh. Saya sebagai hamba Allah yang baik hati sungguh bersimpati kepada seorang perempuan ini. Pleasee lah. Behave yourself. Awak tu anak dara. Perlu ke cubit lengan or perut lelaki? Kau saja nak bagi aku jealous or what? Kalau boleh setiap masa mesti nak berkepit dgn laki yang aku suka eh? Before this takde pulak. Oh ni kes balas dendam psl rumah delta tu lah? Fine. Aku mengalah. Kau amik lah dia wehh. You deserve him. Puas? Aku rasa crush aku pun dah fell in love dgn kau. So baguslah kan. Biar aku sorg je dkt sini. Takpe, dah byk kali aku heartbroken disebabkan kau. Aku tak kisah ~
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ouh my ~
Luqman Hakim Bin Muhammat Puzi ♥
Ulat bulu dah naik daun LOL :D Kay dia pakai baju melayu harini. Mau tak tergugat iman. Haih knapa lah kau mesti comel? Iloveyou ah haha. Mata luqman tak mengancam sgt, tapi boleh tergoda lah jugak hihi. Heyy would you be mineee? Seriously im soo in love with you. TEHEEE <3
Ulat bulu dah naik daun LOL :D Kay dia pakai baju melayu harini. Mau tak tergugat iman. Haih knapa lah kau mesti comel? Iloveyou ah haha. Mata luqman tak mengancam sgt, tapi boleh tergoda lah jugak hihi. Heyy would you be mineee? Seriously im soo in love with you. TEHEEE <3
Monday, January 17, 2011
Dude. She's such a bitch -,-
Hello fellas. Ahh for the first time. Saya rendahkan ego and sikap mementingkan diri sendiri dgn meminta maaf kepada seorang hamba allah yang bernama muhamad danish bin zabidi t-.-t haha. Kay that's not the point of this post. All the bitches in the house say "HEY!" BITCH! "Im the uggliest among the bitch" LOL. Dodo's supposed to say like that. You know what, dodo's the worst enemy ever. Tolonglah jangan annoying sgt "doh" HAHA dia dtg kelas tadi. Mintak duit rumah sukan. BOOO deltaa. GOO betaa. Haha. Dodo ckp mcm ni :
Kepada sesiapa yang dah bayar duit rumah sukan. Terima Kasih. And yang tak bayar, tolong bayar. Lepasni tak payah kutuk kutuk dekat FB.
Then dia blahh. EWW -.- Please don't act like you're good enough. I know you're pretty than me. LOL kau nak tahu sgt kenapa aku benci kau? Sebab kau suka menggatal dgn lelaki. Yah i know tu perangai "semulajadi" Nakgedik pun agak ah sikit. Kalau boleh semua laki kau nk pegang tangan -.- And please. Tak payah nk baik dgn bestfriend aku lah. Look fake. Tiba tiba nk cerita semua. Yes i know honey. Semua crush and ex aku suka kat kau. Then what? Perlu ke bagitahu lagi? Kayh cukup lah. Aku taknak dpt dosa lagi sbb ngumpat kau. Buang masa doh. Bye HAHA
Kepada sesiapa yang dah bayar duit rumah sukan. Terima Kasih. And yang tak bayar, tolong bayar. Lepasni tak payah kutuk kutuk dekat FB.
Then dia blahh. EWW -.- Please don't act like you're good enough. I know you're pretty than me. LOL kau nak tahu sgt kenapa aku benci kau? Sebab kau suka menggatal dgn lelaki. Yah i know tu perangai "semulajadi" Nakgedik pun agak ah sikit. Kalau boleh semua laki kau nk pegang tangan -.- And please. Tak payah nk baik dgn bestfriend aku lah. Look fake. Tiba tiba nk cerita semua. Yes i know honey. Semua crush and ex aku suka kat kau. Then what? Perlu ke bagitahu lagi? Kayh cukup lah. Aku taknak dpt dosa lagi sbb ngumpat kau. Buang masa doh. Bye HAHA
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Luahan Perasaan
Hey, dah lama tak ckp. I nk ckp something dkt you. Maybe you akan rasa annoying sikit dgn i. But ah nevermind because i can't pretend anymore, maybe you thought i've move on but to tell the truth my feelings aren't gone. Hm Im still loving you, i miss how we used to be and im still remember all the memories when im with you. Maybe you don't feel the same way, i ni je yang perasan sendiri, syok sendiri.
But seriously deep in my heart, i love you so much :/ 4bulan i pendam and i diam. But now i tak boleh. I know you still syg ex you. And now you dah ada awek lain. I pun taknak kacau. I just nk you tahu yg i still sygkan you. Tu je. I just nk kita mcm dulu, even dah takde pape. But still kawan :') Hm i know theres no more chance for me. But i berharap sgt i boleh dgn you balik. But yah sygnya mmg tak kan terjadi. I mintk maaf if i ada buat salah. Hey. Thanks for everything and all the memories. I'll remember you always. Btw i still simpan ur nametag. Hm iloveyou. Bye
I've sent it to him last week. Oh my god what i've done? Im digging my own grave! LOL luckily he understands and makes me feel not so embarassed. Finally, 4months i kept it as secret and noww its finally revealed haha. Nevermind, as long as im satiesfied with myself. Berani ni weh, kau jangan main gila. HAHA heyy iloveyouu. Bye ♥
But seriously deep in my heart, i love you so much :/ 4bulan i pendam and i diam. But now i tak boleh. I know you still syg ex you. And now you dah ada awek lain. I pun taknak kacau. I just nk you tahu yg i still sygkan you. Tu je. I just nk kita mcm dulu, even dah takde pape. But still kawan :') Hm i know theres no more chance for me. But i berharap sgt i boleh dgn you balik. But yah sygnya mmg tak kan terjadi. I mintk maaf if i ada buat salah. Hey. Thanks for everything and all the memories. I'll remember you always. Btw i still simpan ur nametag. Hm iloveyou. Bye
I've sent it to him last week. Oh my god what i've done? Im digging my own grave! LOL luckily he understands and makes me feel not so embarassed. Finally, 4months i kept it as secret and noww its finally revealed haha. Nevermind, as long as im satiesfied with myself. Berani ni weh, kau jangan main gila. HAHA heyy iloveyouu. Bye ♥
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hey, long time not updating this blog, yahh school is getting better day by day. Oh my god, seriously form 1 ada yang comel. Sheefa ckp boleh buat anak ikan. LOL. I got new adopt brother, danishh 1Efisien <3 Bukan danish zabidi okay, tak hingin nk amik dia jadi adik angkat -,- haha. And you know what, ada lah sorg mamat comel ni, nama dia farhan. 1Arif, AHHHH iman tak cukup kuat. Terus runtuh bila tgok dia ;p hahahaha. Okay, sumpah takde story apa apa lagi. Hidup bosan -______- Lagi lagi takde "kesayangan" hahahaha. Nevermind, nk cuba single setahun. Itupun kalau boleh tahan nafsu ni hahaha, AHHHH salwaaa comeeeel boleeeeh :D
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