So. Are you ready guys? We're gonna partayy all the night. Wuhooo. Haha. Lastweek celebrate birthday alai. So dtg dtg je Nabilah and the geng dah ada. Nvm kira first come ah jugak tu :P Haha. Kay semua bwk camera klik klak. Haha. Mcm tak kenal pulak perangai Salwa Binti Mohd Azman yang sawan camera ni. LOL. Full of my pictures on fb. Sorry i don't mean it. I have a fever's of camera hehe :B Continue. Others dtg lmbt. Bestfriend mesti ah dtg awal kan. Baru special :D haha. Theme is redandblack. Dah mcm blackmetal dah aku tgok. HAHA. As usual birthday girl mesti ah kena nyanyi kan kan? She sang a song. Kurasakan pudar dalam hatiku ~ HEHE. You know what I met alif Haziq there.
Oh to the My to the God. Nmpak alif terus lari msuk tandas. But unfortunately tak sempat. Mahrukh and izzati jerit kuat kuat. Something like "Hai Salwaaa" AH. Im just pretend like everything's fine. But in my head im just like "Fuck you" Lmao. Oh ya, he looks hot btw, muahahaha. Maigad, there's a little awkwardness between me and someone after the "luahan perasaan" session. Hey imissyou and you look so cute that night :) TEHEE Nur Nabella, Amera Saiful Azman, Nur Amirah Syazwani, Sheefa Zulkifli, Zuhairi Zuhir. Thanks cause' accompanied me playing in the rain and there's have a effect that affecting me right now. Fever and flu. BOOO! xd So we're the last group yg balik. Actually i'm so dissapointed. Because of rain, i can't swim with my besties. Nevemind. Hujan rahmat. Alai ckp tunggu next year. Ceh HAHA. Btw, i had so much fun there. Thnks to Puteri Sulaikha Binti Subardron because invited me. Love yah xx
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